White Pine

Nothing like a little rain in the night. The trails will be fast and firm early today and softening through the day. It looks like we avoided an overnight ice layer due to warmish temperatures. The 5km and 3km loops are being groomed and track set this morning. Classic skiing will be good, skate will be quite good today. Wax will be important today to keep from sticking. There is a chance of snow later then warming up and transforming to sticky between the snow or rain showers. Red wax for grip and glide and at a minimum, a good universal liquid on your classic skis, especially on your fishhscale skis (tip to tail). We will be open from 9am to 5pm today.

With the extra terrain, we have dropped the directional skiing, but please be kind, ski to the right and pass with care. Best skiing will be with your family and friends all day today. Be aware of thin spots and cart paths under the surface. You must have a trail pass purchased and displayed to access our trails. Everyone please ski with style and share the trail with Joy! Smile, greet the hardworking staff and your fellow skiers and keep an eye out for snow bunnies. Thank you for being part of our amazing community! Ski safe and enjoy the day!

We have a couple of spaces left in our Monday morning Women’s Skate Clinic series starting in January. You can book online or give us a call at the Nordic Center to register.

Our first Toko wax clinic of the season is Friday January 3rd at 3:30pm at the Nordic Center. Learn basic glide wax and skin ski care from our experts. $10 fee and discounts on wax products after the clinic. Also a drawing for a pair of Rossignol ski poles!

Welcome to the unofficial Community Center of Park CIty. This season is White Pine’s 47th on the Park City Golf Course and we’re proud of our 53 years as a locally owned and operated business in Park City. Shop Local, Ski Local. A proud part of the Jans family. Our partnership with Park City and the community runs deep. It is very rare to have such an incredible year-round community resource right in town. We’ve been helping grow champion skiers for almost 50 years.

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