Cold on the trails before sunrise again this morning. We’re looking at another bright sunny SPF30+ day with temperatures rising through the day. The 5km trail was regroomed yesterday and we’ve done a light touch up on everything else as needed. All 22km of trails are open for skiing today with classic and skate tracks. We’ll have a cold firm surface to start your day. You’ll glide best with blue wax early, it may warm in to the purple wax zone in the afternoon. Grip wax will be blue today with warming air temperatures in the afternoon. The dog loop is open and running happily through the fields. The Farm is in fantastic shape and is a fee area for skiing. No walking, dogs, running, cycling, driving or trespassing on the trails. Park in the new Meadows Drive trailhead lot or better yet, ski the entire 15km loop from the Nordic Center.
A good universal liquid or paste wax on your fish scale classic skis (tip to tail) is always a great way to keep them from sticking as the snow changes during the day. Skin skis are a fantastic no-fuss classic option if hard wax isn’t your idea of easy skiing. Bring your loved ones, friends and neighbors along to play on the snow and if you need to take a physical and/or mental therapy break we’re here for you. Drop off your skis when you’re finished for a rejuvenating overnight spa treatment. Please purchase AND display your trail pass to access our trails.
Glide with Joy, share the trails, be kind and move smoothly! Thank you for being part of our amazing ski family and enjoying long-winded trail reports. Grab that beanie, your buff, your good gloves, your sunglasses, snug up your laces and come play outside! A special Happy Birthday (tomorrow) note to our favorite Rhode Island Nordie who catches our reports most every day! Ski well!
The rescheduled Wasatch Citizens Series 10km Classic will be held at the Farm on Saturday February 1st. Please note the early 9:00am start for the kids, ~9:20 start for adults. Parking will be limited due to a church function mid-day so carpool, drop-off or shuttle from the Meadows Drive or Farm trailhead parking lots. This is the rescheduled race from December. Deadline for registration is 11:59 pm on Thursday January 30th. Register at The Farm trail will be closed to public skiing from Friday afternoon for race grooming until mid-day Saturday. Please respect the closure. Bib pickup will be at the church social hall from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. No onsite registration.
White Pine Touring is the unofficial Community Center of Park CIty. This season is White Pine’s 47th on the Park City Golf Course and we’re proud of our 53 years as a locally owned and operated business in Park City. Shop Local, Ski Local. A proud part of the Jans family. Our partnership with Park City and the community runs deep. It is very rare to have such an incredible year-round community resource right in town. We’ve been getting you into the outdoors for more than 50 years!