White Pine

Todays Haiku:
Our winter season;
Tease us to the edge, repeat;
Resupply with snow.

It’s going to be a sunny and almost tropical spring day here in the Wasatch Back banana belt. This morning early will be a glaze on the donut scale with some sprinkles from a light groom. We’re holding on still and skiing will be pretty good mid-morning to mid-day today. Dog Loop and Farm are CLOSED until we get some more snow. The low bush, grass and icy patches are definite hazards for crust cruising as are the dips and wet areas that are just getting wetter and more widespread as the heat wave continues. There are thin spots so be aware and watch for rocks, grass and pavement. Conditions are still good on the 3k and Armstrong with the very light re-surface of skate again this morning. There are icy patches and some dirt/cart paths trying to poke through so be careful and keep your eyes open. There are some shovels out there near the thin spots, feel free to go a few steps off the trail and toss a couple of scoops on to the areas that need it. Every scoop keeps you skiing longer. We are not able to refresh the classic track at this time. Skate Skiing will be best from about 9:30 until about 3. Get off the trail for a bit this morning and feel the freedom of cruising the icy crust until it starts to break under you. Then scurry back on the trail (probably around 10:00 today) We can’t control the weather but the next few days we are crossing our fingers, toes, arms and legs in the hope of some new snow coming. The 5km loop trail is CLOSED until further notice. Skating will be good until mid-afternoon today then we strongly recommend changing to classic skiing after 2 pm in order to help protect and maintain the trails and prevent ruts from skating. Expect spring-like mixed conditions with soft melting surface in the sun and glazed in the shade. Keep your eyes forward and watch where you are going. Wax will be klister early then skin skis for classic. Violet/red/yellow for glide over the day. Make sure you’re waxed and have some structure on your bases today to release the water surface tension. Be aware of icy patches on the trail, in the parking lot and walkways. Walk with care in your ski boots and use the handrail on the stairs. Please no walking, dogs, running, cycling, driving or trespassing on the trails. As you need to take a physical and/or mental therapy getaway or a much needed break from the news we’re here for you. It will be a great day to drop off your skis for a rejuvenating spa day so they’ll be ready for more spring skiing. Put on your sunglasses, touch up your sunscreen, snug up those laces and head outside to play! Spread Joy and Sunshine out on the trails, look out for icy and/or wet bits, ski safe and be kind. We are still pondering beach wear and pond skimming next week whilst awaiting more snow. Thank you for being part of our incredible community and reading this deeply into this long form Spring trail report. Go for a ski and then drop in the store to say hi, shop the sale and visit for a few minutes. See you on the trails!

We strongly recommend stopping in the shop BEFORE you head out on the trails when we have these extreme Spring conditions. If you head out and assume you know the conditions, you could be quite surprised. We want you to have a great ski experience every day and we’re doing our best every day to try to make it happen. Everyone ski safe and aware!

Welcome to the unofficial Community Center of Park CIty. This season is White Pine’s 47th on the Park City Golf Course and we’re proud of our 53 years as a locally owned and operated business in Park City. Shop Local, Ski Local. A proud part of the Jans family. Our partnership with Park City and the community runs deep. It is very rare to have such an incredible year-round community resource right here in town. We’ve been getting you into the outdoors for more than 50 years!

Our spring sale is well underway! All skis, boots, poles and clothing 30% off marked prices. High performance waxes (except Toko Jet) and iron-in waxes are 40% off. All sales are final. No returns or refunds. Limited to stock on hand. Get in and gear up now!

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