White Pine

posted in: Grooming Reports, White Pine | 0

Another bluebird day coming up! Very cold overnight, 3 degrees just before sunrise. Bundle up and come play! Great snow, cold temperatures and sunshine! We’ll be grooming all 22km today. Conditions will be squeaky packed powder most of the day. Trails will be firm but not icy today with all the new snow and cold temperatures. We’ll have excellent classic conditions all day. Skating will be very good but might be a bit slow due to the cold snow. After the sun comes out it will feel warmer but the trail surface will stay cold all day. It is absolutely beautiful out this morning and another one of the handful of days so far this season that actually look and feel like winter. Drive with care and patience, walk with care in your ski boots and ski with Joy! Please purchase your pass and wear it. Watch for elk on the Farm. Blue wax for kick and glide today.

Please continue to ski aware, careful and within your abilities. Ride the bus, micro transit, carpool, skateboard, cycle, e-bike or walk if you can. Parking is available all around the hotel and underground but everything you can do to reduce single driver trips helps! Come play in the snow, share the adventure, say hello to the bunnies and birds and enjoy what should be an amazing ski day! Ski friendly everyone and have a memorable day!