Soldier Hollow

Now until the melt of the last snow pile, we are open to season pass holders only. Froze again last night despite the forecast, so again fantastic firm fast fun skate skiing until the softening. Come enjoy! Nordic Trail Conditions

Soldier Hollow

Open to season passholders only now until the trails all melt. Absolutely fabulous fast fun skate skiing here today! Open trails in great shape – come enjoy before it all turns to goop! Nordic Trail Conditions

Soldier Hollow

Open to season pass holders from 8:30-1 today – nice freeze overnight, so should stay a bit firmer longer today. We pushed out some snow whales to augment some sections, while abandoning others, so great skiing out here! Nordic Trail … Continued

Soldier Hollow

Happy First Day of Spring! And spring-conditions we have – fast and firm on the nicely groomed up snowmaking ribbon in the morning, and softer in the afternoon. Come get it while you can! Nordic Trail Conditions

Soldier Hollow

SNOWING! Coming down nice and hard on our firmed up base of great grooming, so should be sizzling skate right now and comfortable classic momentarily. Please join us for our season-ending casual race/Grill-out s’mores extravaganza tomorrow at 5:30 pm when … Continued

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