
posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Weekend storm cycle underperformed and warm weather has turned the snow into slop (dare I say cosmic slop). We did our best to get everything in The Spruces Loops and Jordan Pines with our single track and roller, but the … Continued

Jeremy Ranch

Good Morning!! The spring like temps and south winds have remained at Jeremy Ranch. Unfortunately, we are going to have to suspend our Nordic operations for the time being. Trail conditions are deteriorating quickly and it is not safe to … Continued

White Pine

Late April weather. We have gone from some of the best skiing ever on buttery smooth surfaces to a drippy slushy surface in less than a week. Continued extremely warm day and night temperatures mean we have suspended grooming again … Continued

Jeremy Ranch

Good Morning, Spring is still here in the mountains!! It is currently 53 degrees and temps should remain mild most of the day with clouds upon us. We were unable to groom again this morning due to soft snow conditions. … Continued


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Fairview trails were last groomed Wednesday 1/29. They provided good skating for another couple days (through Friday). However, the current springlike weather and ridiculously warm temperatures are wreaking havoc on coverage. Clearly no grooming will be practical until further notice. … Continued

Soldier Hollow

Yikes, this is a unkind thaw. We are lucky to have our snowmaking ribbon to allow skiing. We will probably not groom until the temperatures go back below freezing. Think cold thoughts! Nordic Trail Conditions

White Pine

April weather? The snow bunnies are definitely in beach bunny mode this week. Continued extremely warm day and night temperatures mean we have suspended grooming again today. All trail surfaces are smooth and soft on top this morning. There are … Continued

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