Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

For SATURDAY morning, please stay off the track until at least 11 A.M. The snow will still be falling and our volunteer groomers are facing a daunting morning task. Despite six staff hours of sledpacking, by 6 P.M. Friday we … Continued

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning Skiers, Its another blizzard!! 🙁 The lower track has been groomed this morning, but the upper has not. The conditions will be soft and continue to get softer as the snow comes down through out the day. Be … Continued

Soldier Hollow

posted in: Grooming Reports, Soldier Hollow | 0

Grooming is happening right now as I type this (7:58am) and they will likely groom at least half the trail system. It is, inconceivably, snowing as well. What a year! Come early to get the best classic tracks. Trend is … Continued

White Pine

Happy Spring! Another fresh layer of snow overnight, snow early, snow later in the day. About 12 inches of fresh the last two days on top of a firm track should make for great classic ski conditions all day. We … Continued

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Friday we will not have a groomed track at Mountain Dell. Forecast as of 6 A.M . Friday is for more than five inches of snow to fall by noon Friday, so any groom this morning would be quickly covered. … Continued

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Main, Mitten, Lower to Swanson’s, Lollypop, Kid’s Cutoff and Park Road groomed for skate and classic. Conditions will be soft for skating, classic skiing may be better. It was snowing hard at 9:30 AM. Enjoy while you can.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good morning, The Lower Track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane was reset. Due to sticky snow conditions, the skate lane did not groom up well. The classic lane is in better shape and should be good … Continued

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