White Pine

Happy snowy Saturday! Not as much snow so far as predicted, but a nice freshen up of the trails. The Farm is closed until mid-day for the classic race, but will be open after the race concludes. We will not … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

East Canyon Hwy skate track refreshed early this afternoon, to much acclaim from passing skiers. Go get it if you can, before the heavy wet snow and rain of the long storm cycle beginning tonight.

Jeremy Ranch

Good Morning, It’s another cold, bluebird morning!! We were able to groom for skate on the upper and lower trails. The classic lanes on both trails are in great shape and were reset this morning. It will be a crisp … Continued

Soldier Hollow

Upcoming Events: Ski for Light International Week has arrived! Welcome!  250 participants are taking up nearly all of our adult classic rentals all week. We apologize for the inconvenience  Many skiers coming are sight impaired, so please ski with caution. … Continued

White Pine

No matter what your Google Maps tells you, the ski trails are not a road. Please use your windshield and best decision making skills if for some reason Google guides you to a ski trail entrance. Google will not respond … Continued

Mountain Dell

At Mountain Dell on Thursday night The groomers arrived to make the track right The bare spots were spotted and shoveled with snow To prolong the skiing before the rain shows The skate deck was buffed and made pretty sweet … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Completed yesterday evening’s East Canyon Hwy groom after it was abandoned due to equipment failure. Skate track refreshed from gate to first switchback, providing much-improved conditions, particularly on the first 1.5 mi. to the bathroom at the MoPi trail crossing … Continued

Jeremy Ranch

Good Morning, It’s another cold, bluebird morning!! We were able to groom for skate on the upper and lower trails. The classic lanes on both trails are in great shape and were reset this morning. It will be a crisp … Continued

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