White Pine

Back to a touch of winter after yesterday’s spectacular spring sunshine. Light snow flurries expected throughout the day with moderate temperatures. All trails groomed and open for classic and skate. Red wax for today. Classic should be great, depending on … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Beautiful blue bird day at Spruces. Couple inches of fresh snow. Groomed Jordan Pines and Spruces this morning. Set classic around Spruces. Really nice day to ski, enjoy!

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning, What a storm!! We received about 3 inches of new snow after a rain/snow mix yesterday evening. We have groomed for skate and we were able to set new classic lanes on all 7k of our trails. Temperatures … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

SR65 (aka East Canyon Hwy) groomed for skate and classic this morning. Groomed up nicely.

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Roch and John are on course this morning and should have all loops except World Cup groomed for skate and classic before 10 A.M. There is a rain crust from yesterday’s warm, windy rain, but snow fell and the temperature … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Pre-Grooming Report – Weather forecast looks to be pleasant tomorrow. Paul and I plan for an early morning groom of SR65 tomorrow. Rain and sun do funny things to our snowpack this time of year! So earlier ski might be … Continued

Soldier Hollow

posted in: Grooming Reports, Soldier Hollow | 0

Current Weather and forecast: It is 34 F and drizzling with an expected high of 41 F and wet precipitation throughout the day. Ski trails open: Everything is open! ~25k of trails, with 7+ km of snowmaking trails but there … Continued

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning, The upper and lower tracks have been groomed for classic and skate. We’ve had some snow/rain mix overnight which isn’t ideal for track conditions. The snow/rain mix will continue throughout the day so be cautious while skiing out … Continued

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