Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning, The upper and lower tracks have been groomed this morning. Both tracks have set up really well and will be in great shape for a classic or a skate ski. It should be a mild and comfortable day … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Groomed Spruces this morning – ginzu is back running. Left the classic track from yesterday. Some interesting freeze thaw cycles has left some icy spots, and dips have resulted below large trees. But overall, we have a ton of snow … Continued

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

All loops groomed for skate and classic reset on Main, Mitten and kids loops. The lower loop beyond Cullen’s remains closed. Night time temps are balmy so track surface not freezing and can be variable with soft, friable areas and … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

S.R. 65 groomed for skate to Big Mountain. Groomed for skate and classic to the 1st switchback. We did a lot of snow repair work to the damage done by the utility’s companies snow coach. Still needs a bit of … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Groomed Jordan Pines and Spruces today. Set classic track. Snow is still a bit wet and heavy. Have fun.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning, The upper and lower tracks have been groomed for classic and skate. The lower track set up really well today for both classic and skate. The upper track is looking better today after a couple days of packing … Continued

Mountain Dell

Good morning this is your mountain Del ski report for Friday, January 13. We groomed, Main, mitten, kids, cut off, lollipop, boomerang, Creek Loop, and lower to Cullens. Lower lower has not been groomed. Conditions will be fast but soft … Continued

White Pine

Another beautiful day at White Pine. 3k, 5k and Armstrong groomed and set. should be great skiing today. Parking on Thaynes will be open 12-6 for use. Farm is closed. Park City will be knocking down the plow berms so … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

East Canyon Hwy groomed today. Recent abundant snows and heavy damage from utility company snowcat trips translated to limited improvement today. But the first 1.5 mi. (to the outhouse) was in good shape for skate and classic as of this … Continued

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