Solitude Nordic
Everything was groomed today for both skate and classic. Snow temps are cold, so using a green or blue wax would be recommended for optimal glide. Enjoy your ski today and drive safe coming up the canyon!
Everything was groomed today for both skate and classic. Snow temps are cold, so using a green or blue wax would be recommended for optimal glide. Enjoy your ski today and drive safe coming up the canyon!
Another dusting of fresh snow overnight. All trails groomed and open, fresh classic set on 3k and 5k today. Very cold conditions expected through the day. Blue wax all day under the blue sky. a great day for a classic … Continued
Mountain Dell report for 2/24. Main, mitten, Lollitop and Kids cutoff groomed for skate. Lollitop classic track was reset but otherwise classic was ok. Enjoy!
Groomed and set track this morning
24 Hour Snowfall 3″ Track Conditions The lower track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane has been reset. The upper track is groomed for skate and in good shape. Classic lane is set up for some excellent … Continued
-2°F this morning. The upper tracks were groomed this morning. Lower loops have about 1/2″ to 1″ new snow and are not groomed, but the skiing will still be excellent.
Mountain Dell groomed last night for skate and classic. The track is holding up surprisingly well and the cold temperatures allowed for the skate lanes to freshen nicely. Classic is variable but set well in most areas. Areas groomed include … Continued
Winter is back for a few days. Very cold (-5 F at 7:30) this morning so bundle up. Below freezing all day. 3-4 inches of fresh snow yesterday and overnight. All trails groomed and open. We’ll be resetting classic track … Continued
Mountain Dell was groomed for skate and classic this morning. Main, Mitten, Lollitop and Kids cutoff all received a cleanup. We reset classic as best we could with the frozen underlying layer and the new snow from the past couple … Continued