Groomed and set track today. It was still snowing when finishing grooming operation at 3:30pm. Pulses of moisture kept coming in waves throughout the day.
Groomed and set track today. It was still snowing when finishing grooming operation at 3:30pm. Pulses of moisture kept coming in waves throughout the day.
Surprise grooming today. Groomed and set track this morning. Good coverage from Trailhead to Big Water. Get out before the sun hits the trail. There are thin areas of snow and once it warms up bare spots will be prevalent.
Millcreek Canyon was groomed this morning, and classic track was set all the way. Conditions were great! Come up and have fun this weekend!
Groomed and set classic track late this afternoon. The best conditions you will find is above Elbow Fork
Groomed and set track this morning.
Groomed and set track this morning. Great conditions
Groomed and set track today. Conditions are great.
Groomed and set track this afternoon. 40 degrees at trailhead at 2:30pm. Soft conditions 5” new snow at Big Water and a dusting at trailhead. Light snow showers this afternoon.
Groomed and set track this morning. Great conditions! A little soft toward the top.