Mountain Dell
Jerry and Cary groomed last night, smoothing out the new snow. Everything was set for classic and skate except for lower Lower and World Cup. Thanks for skiing Mountain Dell!
Jerry and Cary groomed last night, smoothing out the new snow. Everything was set for classic and skate except for lower Lower and World Cup. Thanks for skiing Mountain Dell!
The groomers arrived this morning and elected to not groom due to heavy snowfall. The temp was 32 degrees and snow was falling at an estimated 2-3 inches per hour. We will reassess grooming viability at 11 am. The forecast … Continued
All loops groomed for skate and classic reset on Main, Mitten and kids loops. The lower loop beyond Cullen’s remains closed. Night time temps are balmy so track surface not freezing and can be variable with soft, friable areas and … Continued
Good morning this is your mountain Del ski report for Friday, January 13. We groomed, Main, mitten, kids, cut off, lollipop, boomerang, Creek Loop, and lower to Cullens. Lower lower has not been groomed. Conditions will be fast but soft … Continued
Everything is groomed for skate and classic except the Lower Loop below Cullen’s cutoff. Skiing should be excellent. Lower to Cullen’s, Creek, Boomerang and Wiggles room will be softer than the rest of the course. The sun is out enjoy … Continued
Thursday groom will happen in the morning. If all goes well we should be able to serve you up some fresh Corduroy and some decent classic tracks on most of the usual trails except the lower below Cullen’s Cutoff. Expect … Continued
Marko and Bill have been at it since 5 A. M. Wednesday, combing out the eight-plus inches that fell overnight. A bit unruly, this snow, so limited offerings. Classic and skate on Main, Mitten, Kids and Lollipop. Expect wind-blown conditions … Continued
Groomers are going to stay off the course Tuesday. Wet and warm overnight, with continued snow/rain mix coming today. If you ski, expect about an inch of wet snow over Monday morning’s grooming.
Groomed 6 am to 9am this morning. 37 degrees F at 9:00 am. Set Classic tracks on Mitten and Lower/Lower. All other classic tracks were left as is and are in Fair condition. Groomed for Skate: Main, Mitten, Lower,Lower, Cullen’s, … Continued
Good morning skiers…. The tracks have firmed up nicely following Fridays wet and heavy storm. All loops groomed for skate. Classic was not reset as it remains satisfactory, but might start glazing in spots. The lower loop beyond Cullen’s cutoff … Continued