No go. We had more snow this morning in our yard than at the gate (2″). There was 5″ half way to the restroom and 12″ at the top. The sun and asphalt melted all of the snow in the … Continued
Went up in the hope of grooming and encountered close to a mile of unmitigated asphalt. Next chance looks to be in a week.
East Canyon Hwy groomed for skate and classic to the first switchback (5.2 k).
Groomed tonight for skate to the 1st switchback. Storm was over producing the forecasted snow amounts. Might be a touch soft in the morning..
Fresh skate and classic to first switchback (5.3 k).
It is great to see SR65 white again! A few inches new overnight. Planning a touch groom up early this morning to the 1st switch back. Enjoy!
Love the Valentine’s box of white sweets! Finally enough snow. Classic set and skate groomed to the first switchback. Thin down low in the usual suspects area and soft, of course.