Big Mountain groomed to the top for skate and classic. Reasonable base given all the new snow, and a nice flat skate lane with few berms or ruts. I skated to the top after grooming. Pole punching through the snow … Continued
Groomed for skate and classic to first switchback. Getting it open to the top to follow. Happy Snowy New Year!
East Canyon Hwy groomed this afternoon. Attempted to reset classic but it wasn’t taking well—not an improvement over the user-maintained track. Timing will be everything tomorrow (Tues) in finding the sweet spot between frozen and soggy. Happy Boxing Day!
East Canyon groomed to the top. Skate and classic. Classic looked exceptionally nice above the restrooms. Lots of skiers with smiling faces today!!! Get out and enjoy.
Big Mountain groomed to the first switchback. Classic reset and corduroy over 5″ new. Looking beautiful. Come up!
East Canyon groomed for skate and classic to the 1st switchback. Both looked really nice! Get up and check it out!!!
East Canyon groomed for skate to first switchback. Early season conditions exist. Ski with caution.