
posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Groomed to Big Mountain Pass Friday evening for skate and classic. The rain saturated snow that had been through a number of freeze-thaw cycles resulted in a rather poor result below the restroom. The classic was ill-defined and chunky. There … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

SR 65/East Canyon Hwy groomed Friday evening 2/16 for classic and skate from winter gate to first switchback (3.2 mi). Grooming conditions were challenging so we didn’t get to the top, as we’d hoped, but finished product looked like it … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Groomed tonight for skate and classic to the top. Skate groomed nicely. Classic above the restroom groomed good. Classic a bit weak lower down but skiable. Oliver W / John K


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

The groom to the top on Friday night is holding up very well due to the hard freezes and cool daytime temperatures. The classic lane is still crisp, the skate lane not carved too deeply, and there are few walker … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Skate and classic set to Big Mountain. Both should ski well tomorrow. (Well, I think the classic will. Did most of that in the dark with inoperable grooming light.) Good freeze tonight 16 degrees when we finished. Still a little … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Groomed for skate and classic to the first switchback. Four inches at the gate and ten and the switchback. It will be soft for skate, but the moist snow seemed to set up better than expected. The classic track looked … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Groomed for skate and classic to Big Mountain. A bit thin coverage for a little bit and than excellent coverage to the top! Lightly snowing as we finished up. Solid freeze forecasted for tonight. Should ski well tomorrow after a … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Groomed for skate and classic to the pass late afternoon. Caution is advised down low: It’s thin for the first few hundred yards, but no asphalt is showing. The classic track looked great above the restroom but had more cookies … Continued


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Groomed for skate and classic to the pass yesterday afternoon. Snow holding up well to the warm temperatures.


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

East Canyon Hwy/SR 65 groomed Friday (1/26) evening to the top (8.6 k) for skate and classic.

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