Shoreline Trail Trouble
If you don’t live near the Avenues or use the Shoreline trails above the Avenues you may be unaware that there has been a kerfuffle of late, which has pitted neighbor against neighbor, gaiter and sunhat wearing hikers against armor-clad mountain bikers, Pitbull against Pomeranian and the City against just about everyone.
Fortunately the Shoreline Civil War has begun cooling off and the trail systems and all trail users are sure to benefit. All sides are now in close communication, with the well organized, Save Our Foothills Organization sending delegates to have coffee with representatives for the City and the City making extra efforts to work with and keep the citizenry informed.
There is also a more pro-trail organization getting organized called SLC Trails Alliance. The most important piece of information you as a citizen and trail user can have is how to participate in the trail’s conversation. The best way to do this is to visit where you can comment and keep up to date on the trail plans and progress. There is even a blog there where you can really get the latest info.
While things are looking bright for the future of the trails and our ever-growing trail using community, It is important to note that there are still rather dangerous actions and conflicts, primarily where (presumably) hikers have removed signs prohibiting the uphill use of what are now designated downhill only trails. So at the top of the trail there are signs saying, downhill biking only, and at the bottom there are no longer signs, having been removed or vandalized. This creates very dangerous situations and those put at risk are often unaware of the danger they have been put in. Participate the right way by visiting, commenting there or emailing your comments to the city at:
Thank you,
Pete Vordenberg—Volunteer TUNA coach and happy trail user

Groomers Found!
Chris Magerl, Head Honcho if the Grooming Operations at Mountain Dell, is happy to announce that the grooming crew for the 2021-2022 season is complete! Thank you to all who volunteered. Now all we need is some snow.
Climate Corner
Are you a climate activist? Better question: Do you like having winter?
Here are two super easy actions you can take. Make a difference. Feel good. Please pass it on! We’re trying to get 20k letters to Biden by the 15th. Time is short. Do it today! We have 13,619 so far.
Write to the President, right here. Write to Congress, here.

Winter Programs are Almost Full!
Devo and XC programs are nearly full for the 2022 season. We’re quickly running out of rental gear, and have already run out of a few sizes. If you’re planning to participate this year, you’ll need to sign up immediately.
Please be aware that the sizes of rentals that are gone have been listed on the registration page.

Ski Swaps
Park City has a ski swap on November 5 – 7 2021. If you’re still looking for skis and boots, you can try their swap.
The TUNA Ski Swap is November 13, 2021. You can sell your gear and find those missing pieces for you.