Thank you one and all for your participation and enthusiasm this season!
Please, everyone check in with registration before the race at the St. Mary’s Social Hall, Random prize drawing winners will be able to pick up their prizes, season pass holders will be able to get their WCS beanies, Racers will be able to pick up their medals from the previous 4 races. Ski winners and centurions will be honored (Chris Magerl and Jeff Minnema) with race results as soon as possible after the race.
US Men’s NoCo Meet and Greet
Fresh from Beijing, the US Men’s Nordic Combined team will be on hand to meet and greet (and race)

Please carpool.
NO PETS in the church, start/finish area, or on the course.
Port-o-potties will be in the church parking lot. Restrooms in the social hall are not available. Please help us keep this venue by following the rules!
Awards for the season will be in the social hall after the race. We will not have lunch, so make sure to bring your own snacks and hydration.