For some the topic of climate change can be a politically fraught morass; too large and depressing a topic to take on. For Bill Barron climate activism is a way of life. Bill Barron, a long time patroller at Alta, a three time single-issue political candidate, and the Mountain West Regional Coordinator for the Citizens’ Climate Lobby is taking climate activism to rural Utah, by bike.
Bill Barron’s Climate Tour 2022
Bill Barron’s Climate Tour 2022 is his fourth bike trip around the state since he ran for Senate in 2012. Over 650 miles and 11 days Bill will ride, meet with local community leaders and host listening events to find out how views on climate have changed over the past 10 years as well as to discover and share a message of bipartisanship and the importance of conservative solutions to address the climate crisis.

This ride culminates in a group ride to Alta on September 17. We invite as many cyclists as possible to join Bill on the final leg of his journey.
Meet Bill at 3:30 at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon in the Temple Quarry parking lot. Or just come for the 5:30 celebration in Alta with guest speakers and refreshments for all. For more information on Bill’s ride and the mission please visit and feel free to contact Bill at
Date: Sept 17
Time: Depart base of LCC 3:30 from Temple Quarry parking lot
Destination: Alta, Goldminers Daughter parking lot
Refreshments will be served
Event: 5:30-7:30
Speakers include: Alta Mayor Roger Bourke, Laura Briefer Director of Public Utilities for Salt Lake City, Sophia Nicholas Deputy Director of Sustainability for Salt Lake City, Montana Burack, Junior at Park City High School. And more to come!