White Pine

A snowy morning with the forecast indicating some clearing by afternoon. 3-5 inches of fresh snow fallen overnight and into the morning. The 5km and 3km loops will be groomed and track set first today as the storm lets up. We spent a long time raking those pesky willow branches and pine cones on the 5km loop yesterday. Don’t be shy if you feel like flicking or tossing those pieces off to the side of the trail. You help would be greatly appreciated and also improve your ski experience. Think of it as nordic cross training. We’ll had the snowcat out mid morning yesterday knocking the drifts down at the Farm and Armstrong. Both trails were good yesterday. That will be a bit later today with the first focus on the 3km and 5km. Please dress for the weather today Skiing will be a bit slow today with the fresh snow. Come share the Joy of skiing! Red wax is the call today with the higher humidity and sightly warmer temperatures. Snowshoes will also be a very good option today. We have rentals! We are open 9-5 daily. Please continue to be careful and ski within your abilities. We will have at least 8km of skiing groomed by midday today and we’ll update about the Farm later. Please ride the bus, micro transit, carpool, skateboard, cycle, e-bike or walk if you can. Parking is available all around the hotel and underground but everything you can do to reduce single driver trips helps! We’ll focus grooming on the 3k and 5k early. Go play in the sunshine and new snow, make a snow angel or snowperson off the trail, share the Joy and enjoy what is looking to be a beautiful day!

The next Wasatch Citizens Series ski race will be this Saturday January 20th at Soldier Hollow. Online registration is at utahnordic.org Deadline is Thursday night at midnight. Age group distances for this skate race are 10km, 5km, 3km, 2km and 1km. Age group wave starts beginning at 10 am for youth divisions, 10:20 am for Adult groups and novices. Check utahnordic.org for updates and details.

Everyone ski safe, be kind and park intelligently. Enjoy the day!

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