Mountain Dell
Sunday Morning 8:30 am 25 degrees Main, Mitten, Creek, Lollipop, Boomerang, Lower to Cullen’s, and Kid’s Cutoff were groomed for skate this morning. Classic tracks are present but not reset this morning.
Sunday Morning 8:30 am 25 degrees Main, Mitten, Creek, Lollipop, Boomerang, Lower to Cullen’s, and Kid’s Cutoff were groomed for skate this morning. Classic tracks are present but not reset this morning.
Hello Nordic Skiers! 9°F/-13°C/260.37K at 0840. No new snow. All trails groomed for skating and classic skiing. Beautiful snow!
Happy Last Full Day of Winter! And what a winter it was – we are out grooming later this morning to insure a fabulous ski surface for you, so if you come early, please avoid ungroomed trails as they will … Continued
Transitioning back to winter? Temperatures were cold overnight. Crunchy, granular crust conditions early will soften a bit with increasing temps mid day. Blue wax morning, violet from mid-day. Skating will be very exciting early, classic tracks are solid from late … Continued
Good morning, The upper and lower tracks have been groomed for skate. The classic lane is holding and in good shape. The snow conditions are going to be firm and fast this morning but should soften up throughout the day. … Continued
Good morning! 0°F/-18°C/255.37°K at 0840. Beautiful day, beautiful snow with more coming in they tell me. Trails groomed for skate and classic skiing.
A phenomenal golden morning to start your weekend! Nearly every trail fantastically groomed for sensational skating or cheerful classic! Come enjoy a superlative day on our ski trails!
Mountain Dell groomed tonight. Skate is in good condition. Some classic was reset but most existing classic is satisfactory. Track should be firm in morning. Softening as the day progresses. Should be a nice day tomorrow.
Groomed Spruces and Jordan Pines this morning. Set classic track around Spruces. Very icy so in spots the classic track isn’t the best. 4 degrees this morning so its cold, but sun shiuld be out. Enjoy.