
posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Fairview trails were last groomed Wednesday 1/29. They provided good skating for another couple days (through Friday). However, the current springlike weather and ridiculously warm temperatures are wreaking havoc on coverage. Clearly no grooming will be practical until further notice. … Continued


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Fairview skate lanes were groomed Monday morning. The base remains stable with a few skinny passages to connect full, wide skate lanes. I skied it late morning and it was outstanding. No longer trying to maintain a classic track though … Continued


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Groomer has been out of town since mid day Friday, until later today, so no new grooming since early Friday. Unfortunately, Fairview missed the light snow from Saturday. Possible grooming of the skate lane early Monday morning to resurrect the … Continued


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Fairview track was groomed for skating both yesterday and this morning. Main reason for grooming today is because of wind yesterday and some drifting. So skating should be lovely with a few narrow strips of moved snow to connect trail … Continued


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Today Wally Chambers and I “bridged the gap” in a few spots in order to keep the track continuous where we had lost some snow. With cold weather, those spots should hold up well. Otherwise, the skate lane was groomed … Continued


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Fairview track was groomed Monday afternoon, skate lane only. Just a few flurries since so it should be great skating. Classic tracks were left alone as they remain nicely set. Bear in mind lower loop classic tracks especially have short … Continued


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Fairview got an inch or two last night, most welcome! Both lower and upper loops were groomed this afternoon. A classic track has been set on both loops, however, it may be a little dicey on the lower loop in … Continued


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Fairview skied great this morning. A bit windy out there but the snow is not drifting. No new grooming today but skate lane was fast and very controllable. On Wednesday Wally Chambers and I will try to add snow to … Continued


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Saturday storm dropped about 3″ of nice snow in Fairview. Not a great delivery but we will take it! Trails were groomed up this afternoon….lower loop is just groomed for skating as the last few weeks of dry / sunny … Continued


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

New Years Day! I skied this morning on a very firm base. The snow is a bit crusty but there are stretches which skate nicely. Classic not recommended. Regretfully, we have reached the point that I think it unwise to … Continued

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