Soldier Hollow

posted in: Grooming Reports, Soldier Hollow | 0

Current Weather and forecast:  Currently it is 18F and partly cloudy. The high for the day will be around 28F. Ski trails open: All trails are open, all tails have been groomed within the past day.  ~25 km of trails, with 7+ km … Continued

White Pine

A beautiful winter morning! just a skiff of fresh snow this morning after yesterday’s snowy day of another 5 inches. Cold temperatures today will help firm up the track a bit and both classic and skate skiing should be incredible. … Continued

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Groomed for skate and classic, with the exceptions of lower Lower (below Cullen’s Cutoff) and World Cup. Conditions firmed up more than expected. Should be good fun on Wednesday!


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

More and more snow at Spruces. We have a ton. Groomed Spruces and Jordan Pines this morning. Set classic around Spruces. Have fun!

Mountain Dell

All loops groomed for skate and classic, except the Lower below Cullen’s Cutoff and the World Cup Loop. We spend significant time making multiple laps on loops groomed to level things out and provide additional compaction from the recent storm … Continued

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning, We have received around 2 inches of new snow in the overnight. The upper and lower tracks are both groomed for skate and classic. Conditions are soft this morning but the trails are set up great for a … Continued

White Pine

another 5 inches overnight in the Nordic Snow Globe. a bit more scattered snow later today. Soft conditions. 3k, 5k and Armstrong are groomed and track set. Dog loop and Farm still awaiting the snowcat for best results. Some sticky … Continued

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