We had a lot of wind and some drifting yesterday after grooming and the skate lane and classic tracks drifted in in some places. So I groomed again today….two turns around the course on the skating lane and then I … Continued
24 Hour Snowfall 0″ Track Conditions The lower track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane is set. The upper track is groomed for skate. Classic lane is bumpy in spots but in good condition in most areas. … Continued
2°F at Nordic Center. Trace of new snow. All trails groomed for skate and classic.
very cold overnight and this morning. definitely a good time for those super cold green and blue waxes. should be in the balmy mid-teens all day so bundle up for squeaky snow. all trails are roughed up and open. classic … Continued
All open trails, Main, Mitten, Lower to Cullen’s Cutoff, Creek, Lollypop, Wiggle Room, Boomerang, Kids Cutoff and Park Road ByPass were groomed for skating last eve. The conditions for Thursday will be good to excellent for skating and fair to … Continued
All currently open loops were groomed Wednesday night for skate. Classic tracks are in good / fair condition and were left as is. Skating will be fantastic today.
24 Hour Snowfall 1″ Track Conditions The lower track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane is set. The upper track is groomed for skate. Classic lane is bumpy in spots but in good condition in most areas. … Continued
-1°F at the Nordic Center at 0815. Trace of snow overnight. Trails groomed for skate and classic.
All trails groomed tonight for skate. Existing classic lanes are holding up well. Tomorrow’s skiing should be good. Enjoy