Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning,

We received about an inch of fresh snow overnight. The lower track is only open for 1.1km of skate and classic we had to close down the rest of the track until we receive more snow. The upper track is groomed for skate and the classic is thin. There are some bare areas on the upper track that have been marked with cones so please be cautious while skiing. Snow dance starts now!!

Happy Saturday,

Jeremy Ranch Nordic Center

Soldier Hollow

posted in: Grooming Reports, Soldier Hollow | 0

Weather and conditions: Currently 27F and flurries of snow. It is expected to cloudy with high of 35F in the afternoon, with precipitation expected off and on throughout the day.

Ski Trails Report: All open trails have been groomed within the last few days or so.  Conditions are spring-like = firm and fast in the morning, soft and slushier by mid-day.

White Pine

posted in: Grooming Reports, White Pine | 0

Sundance is over for the year, back to Snow Dances please. Mixed wet snow all day yesterday with a couple of inches of snow landing on the trails. Mixed wintery conditions today. It wasn’t super cold overnight but below freezing for most of the night. We’ll be doing snow-saving grooming and resetting classic tracks on all 22km! Classic will be good today. Fast and soft conditions. Conditions may be staying soft through the day depending on how snow and temperatures go. Watch for wet spots or icy areas from all the moisture yesterday. Prime skiing should be until mid afternoon, but subject to change. Stay flexible and ski with Joy! Warm temperatures yesterday and the snow overnight means we’ll have good surface during the day. The 5km, 3km and Armstrong loops will be maintenance groomed first today with classic set. This has been very wet storm, the Farm and Dog Loop will be groomed right after. Please purchase your pass and wear it. Watch for elk on the Farm. Give them space and ask them nicely to quit walking on the track. Watch for the wandering moose on the 3km loop. Come share the Joy of skiing! Red/purple wax and structure today. Please continue to be aware, careful and ski within your abilities. Ride the bus, micro transit, carpool, skateboard, cycle, e-bike or walk if you can. Parking is available all around the hotel and underground but everything you can do to reduce single driver trips helps! Come play in the snow, share the adventures, say Hi to everyone and enjoy what should be a delightful ski cruising day!

Stay tuned for Wasatch Citizens Series updates for the next race scheduled for Mountain Dell February 10th. Ski safe and have an amazing day!

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Friday night’s storm came in very wet, and Saturday morning it is too saturated to groom. Attempts are just pressing up a wet mess. We will not be grooming this morning.


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Rolled Spruces and Jordan Pines today. Very wet heavy snow. Snowing pretty good as we left. I am still waiting on my ginzugroomer sled repair so there are still some bumps in the track, but they aren’t too bad.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning,

It’s been a rainy start to the day so far. Hopefully, the rain will turn to snow so we can gain some better coverage. The lower track is only open for 1.1km of skate and classic we had to close down the rest of the track until we receive more snow. The upper track is groomed for skate and the classic is holding from yesterday. There are some bare areas on the upper track that have been marked with cones so please be cautious while skiing. Snow dance starts now!!

Come enjoy some spring skiing,

Jeremy Ranch Nordic Center

White Pine

Happy Groundhog Day!? Hoping the legend is completely wrong since we’ve had spring almost every day since December. It’s feeling a lot like late March today. Sightly different conditions today, wet snow-rain mix as the clouds come and go. Not cold overnight so we’ll be doing snow saving grooming again today. All 22km are open. Fast and softening conditions. Conditions may be getting softer through the day depending on how snow and temperatures go. Prime skiing should be between 9:30 and about 1:30, but subject to change. Stay flexible and ski with Joy! Warm temperatures yesterday and the rain overnight means we’ll have a wet packed surface during the day. Conditions may get soft and/or sticky in places later in the day. The 5km, 3km and Armstrong loops will be maintenance groomed first today. The Farm and dog loop will not be groomed until some of the water drains down out of the surface or gets covered by more fresh snow. Please purchase your pass and wear it. Watch for elk on the Farm. Give them space and ask them nicely to quit walking on the track.

Come share the Joy of skiing! Red/purple wax and structure later today. Maybe yellow wax with the wet. Please continue to be careful and ski within your abilities. Ride the bus, micro transit, carpool, skateboard, cycle, e-bike or walk if you can. Parking is available all around the hotel and underground but everything you can do to reduce single driver trips helps! Come play in the snow, share the adventures, say Hi to everyone and enjoy what is shaping up to be a delightful, if damp, ski day!

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning,

Both the upper and lower track were groomed for skate this morning. Classic lanes are holding up well on both of our tracks. Conditions are firmer this morning but with the warmer afternoon temps, the tracks will soften up a bit. Looks like some needed snow is on the way this weekend. Come on out and enjoy the skiing!

Have a Great Day!

Jeremy Nordic Center

Soldier Hollow

posted in: Grooming Reports, Soldier Hollow | 0

Ski Trails Report: All open trails have been groomed within the last few days or so.  Conditions are spring-like = firm and fast in the morning, soft and slushier by mid-day.
Weather and conditions: Currently 33F and partly cloudy. It is expected to warm to a high of 45F in the afternoon, with cloudy weather expected throughout the day.

White Pine

Happy February! A breathtaking sunrise this morning. Sightly different conditions today, maybe a little weather coming tonight. Not so cold overnight so we’ll be doing snow saving grooming again today. All 22km are groomed and open with really great skiing. Fast and firm early, and hard packed classic tracks early. Conditions will be getting softer through the day as temperatures climb into the 40’s yet again. Prime skiing will be between 9:30 and about 1:30. Icy before that, softening and some slushy conditions after. Warm temperatures yesterday and cold early morning means we’ll have a hard packed surface underneath the fresh crumble most of the day. Conditions may get soft and/or sticky in places later in the day when the snow transforms. The 5km, 3km and Armstrong loops will be maintenance groomed first today. The Farm and dog loop will be maintenance groomed later in the day if needed. Farm skiing was incredible yesterday. Please purchase your pass and wear it. Watch for elk on the Farm. Give them space and ask them nicely to quit walking on the track. Come share the Joy of skiing! Blue wax early, then Red/purple and structure later today. Please continue to be careful and ski within your abilities. Ride the bus, micro transit, carpool, skateboard, cycle, e-bike or walk if you can. Parking is available all around the hotel and underground but everything you can do to reduce single driver trips helps! Come play in the snow, share the adventures, say Hi to everyone and enjoy what is shaping up to be another lovely Spring Skiing day!

The Next WCS race is scheduled for Mountain Dell on February 10th. Classic individual start. February 24th the WCS race will be a skate race at Mountain Dell as well. Register now!


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Groomed for skate and classic to the pass late afternoon. Caution is advised down low: It’s thin for the first few hundred yards, but no asphalt is showing. The classic track looked great above the restroom but had more cookies and was shallow in the thinner snow towards the gate. The skate lane looked great and only two skiers put tracks on it before we left at dark. No walker, bike or snowmobile tracks, so with a good freeze tonight, the morning should be fast and fun. Get out before the forecasted rain arrives around noon.

Mountain Dell

Mountain Dell was groomed Wednesday night 1/31. Main, Lollitop, Boomerang and Kids Cut-off/Park Road By-pass were groomed for skate. Classic was reset on the Main and Lollitop. Track set results were anywhere from great to marginal. Expect icy tracks with thin cover in some places.

Please use caution due to some icy surfaces in the mornings and exposed asphalt and ground in varying places.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning,

It’s another bluebird day!! Both the upper and lower track were groomed for skate this morning. Classic lanes are holding up well on both of our tracks. Conditions are firmer this morning but with the warm temps this afternoon, it will be soft. Come on out and enjoy the spring like temperatures!

Have a Great Day!

Jeremy Nordic Center