LAST DAY AT SPRUCES. We had a skiff of snow, groomed surprising well. Upper and lower loops groomed. I will be out with a table n the practice loop today with coffee and bagels. Stop by and have a bite. Please note, I have taken the signs and maps down for the year.
Solitude Nordic
Hello! 15°F/-9°C at 0815. All trails groomed for classic and skate skiing. Beautiful day, beautiful conditions.
Solitude Nordic
Good morning! 14°F/-10°C at 0820. All trails groomed for classic and skate skiing. Beautiful skiing.
65 was given a fresh combing from the gate to the bathroom, 1.5 miles up the road, on Thursday afternoon. Hard refreeze overnight, so if not many users were on it Thursday evening as it was firming up, skiing should be OK Friday morning from about 10 A.M. until about 2 P.M. or so. Fast before that, slowing later. Complete coverage from the gate, classic track and fresh skate.
Solitude Nordic
All trails groomed for skate and classic. 29° at 8am, high of 41°.
Good news: no scheduled closures of the Big Cottonwood Canyon road today, so come up and ski! As always, check the UDOT website for updates and be prepared for unexpected closures.
Solitude Nordic
All trails groomed for skate and classic. 43° at 8:30am, high of 51°. Should get a few new inches of snow tonight and tomorrow.
NOTE: Big Cottonwood Canyon road will be closed again today and tomorrow between 11an and 4pm for avalanche control. See UDOT website for more details.
Solitude Nordic
Hello. 33°F/1°C at 0810. All trails groomed for classic and skate skiing. Big Cottonwwod Canyon is closed between 1100 and 1600 for avalanche control. See UDOT website for more details.
Hi folks, between BCC closures and other items I was not able to get up this morning and groom. I will try to get up tomorrow – if not, our last day of grooming will be Saturday, April 15. I will be out on Saturday with a table and free maps and other goodies, come say hello.
Solitude Nordic
All trails groomed for skate and classic. 37° at 8am, high of 54°. Trails will be hardpacked this morning and soft this afternoon. Perfect skiing will probably be had around 9am-11am.
NOTE: Big Cottonwood Canyon road will be closed for avalanche control from 11am-4pm every day from today thru Thursday. Our trails will be open but plan your travel accordingly and check the UDOT website for updates.
Jeremy Ranch
Good Morning!!
We have arrived at our final Nordic day of the season. What an epic year!! Thank you for your support and patronage to Jeremy Ranch. We have enjoyed seeing each and every one of you this season. We were able to groom the lower trail for skate and classic this morning. After the warm afternoon and soft conditions yesterday, there are bumpy areas and rutted out spots. Please ski with caution, especially over our bridges. Snow will remain soft throughout this beautiful, bluebird day. Enjoy the trails and the warm sunshine!!
We will be closing the Nordic Center today at 3pm. Thank you again for a great season. Have a great summer and see you all in December!!
Happy Easter!!
Jeremy Ranch Nordic Center
Solitude Nordic
All trails groomed for skate and classic. 33° at 8:30am this morning, high of 46° today.
NOTE: Big Cottonwood Canyon road will be closed for avalanche control from 11am-4pm every day from today thru Thursday. Our trails will be open but plan your travel accordingly and check the UDOT website for updates.
White Pine
Don’t miss out on our final day of grooming for the season! Drop in and say thank you to the staff. It’s been quite an adventure this year between politics and weather. (Both will continue in the future)
Not very cold overnight, quite warm again this afternoon. Spring conditions will be crumble on a firm track early, slush in the afternoon. Hit the sweet spot from mid-morning until mid-afternoon. All trails groomed, track set and open! 3k and 5k will be fun classic skiing from mid-morning. Skating will be great everywhere until it transforms early afternoon. Sticky for a bit then slush. Spring Skiing on our Final Day of the Season!
Jeremy Ranch
Good Morning,
The lower track has been groomed for classic and skate. The snow conditions are crusty right now and will soften up throughout the day. The upper track is closed for the season. The last day of the season is tomorrow, so make sure to come ski the last couple days of the season.
Have a great weekend,
Jeremy Ranch Nordic Center
Solitude Nordic
Hello! 32°F/0°C at 0830. All trails groomed for classic and skate skiing.
White Pine
Cold overnight, quite warm again this afternoon. Conditions will be crumble on a firm track early, slush late in the afternoon. Hit the sweet spot from mid-morning until mid-afternoon. All trails groomed, track set and open! 3k and 5k will be fun classic skiing from mid-morning. Skating will be great everywhere until it transforms early afternoon. Sticky for a bit then slush. Spring Skiing!
Our last grooming and operations day is tomorrow. We will be locking the doors after 145 days on snow this season Sunday April 9th at 5pm. Drop in and say thanks to the staff for an amazing season!
Last chance for ski waxing is today at 1. We’ll have them back for you tomorrow afternoon. If your skis are here, please come pick them up.
WCS season awards are here for two more days.
Skate and classic skied very nicely Friday morning from the gate to the bathroom, thanks to a huge effort Thursday and a touch-up Friday morning. Moose cow and calf on track. Do NOT approach them. It has been a hard winter. If they are laying down, don’t make them stand up. Do NOT try to go past them.
Saturday morning the sweet spot might be between 8:30 A.M. and 11 A.M. After that, clouds decrease, temperature rises and the snow will get soft. Unknown variables include the number of people who ski/walk/bike/moto this afternoon and trench it, which will freeze hard overnight, and whether we run a refresher. It has been a long season and we are used up. If you like skiing SR-65, consider a donation to TUNA. Machines, implements, fuel, volunteers, fee to the city, all are 100 percent from TUNA. No TUNA, no groomed track.