Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning,

The upper and lower tracks have been groomed for classic and skate. The tracks groomed up really nicely this morning after some windy and snowy conditions the last couple days. The classic lanes have been reset on all 7km of tracks. The snow conditions are really soft. It’s a chilly bluebird day and a perfect time to come ski the trails.

Have a great ski,
Jeremy Ranch Nordic Center

White Pine

-11 early this morning. If you haven’t bought cold powder this year it’s all on you when your skis won’t run in conditions like this. A beautiful day on tap, but bundle up and cover your exposed skin. It’s crispy out. All 20km of trails groomed and open. Enjoy this beautiful day!

pola-apalooza continues!

Mountain Dell

Mountain Dell was groomed on Wednesday night. About 20 Degrees as we began and a very chilly 5 when we got done about 10:15 pm.

All trails groomed for Skate and Classic. Snow will be very cold Thursday morning and possibly a bit slow for early skiers. Once the sun gets on it and it sees some traffic things should get faster.

Please use caution on Lower Lower as there are still some drifts from Wednesdays winds.

Have a great day.

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

All trails groomed for skate and classic this morning, with the exceptions of Lower Lower and World Cup. Wind subsiding at MD and higher back home near the mouth of Parley’s Canyon, so drifting may not be too much of an issue. Classic looked good. Skate appeared a bit softer than expected.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Morning!!

All 7k was groomed and the classic lane was reset yesterday evening. We have received a little snow in the overnight so trails could be a little snowy this morning. Hopefully we will see some sunshine later today. Enjoy your day!

Thank you,

Jeremy Ranch Nordic Center

White Pine

Brrrrrr. Bundle up if you’re heading out. Wind will affect the groom, but all trails will be open with variable conditions. Ski safe and ski smart.

Might be a good day to check out new skis and poles in the shop. Blue wax all day.


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Doing a bit of machine testing this afternoon and set fresh skate and classic to the first switchback. Skate is pretty nice. Classic looks pretty, especially above the monument, but is pretty worthless from the bathroom to the switchback. Oh well.

Mountain Dell

What a beautiful day out there. Except for world cup, we groomed everything this morning for both classic and skate. With a couple inches of new snow, everything will be a little soft.
Cheers, Brock and Dan


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Spruces and Jordan Pines groomed this morning. Set classic around Spurces. More fresh snow up here!

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Happy Valentine’s Day!

All 7k have been groomed for skate and the classic was reset this morning. We received a few inches over night and have had some drifting from the wind. Enjoy your day!

Thank you,

Jeremy Ranch Nordic Center

Soldier Hollow

posted in: Grooming Reports, Soldier Hollow | 0

Core trails groomed this morning. Everything will be in good shape as it has stayed cold and no new snow since everything has been groomed. Overnight low was warmer and daytime high in the 20s means you can expect some more Utah perfection today!