White Pine

A tiny bit warmer today, but a little breezy early so it doesn’t feel warmer. Be sure to layer well today. All trails are groomed and open and another spring-like spf 50+ day out there. Blues wax early, violet or red later depending on your brand preferences. Please wear your mask while indoors at the Nordic Center. We are trying to stay healthy and open. We finally got a negative review of our indoor mask policy yesterday. We’re okay with that because we do care about our families and the health of our awesome ski community.

The moose was on the 5k all day yesterday, so if you see it give it a wide berth and remember, no selfies with the wildlife. Ski safe!

Mountain Dell

7:00 AM 17 degrees
9:30 AM 32 degrees

All trails except Lower Lower and World Cup were groomed this morning for both skate and classic. Skiers venturing down to Lower Loop should be alert of thin snow conditions.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

The lower track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane is set. The upper track has been groomed for skate. Classic lane is bumpy in spots but in good condition in most areas. Skate trails are firm and fast with colder overnight temperatures. Have a great day! Enjoy the skiing.
Wax Recommendations
Skate: Toko Red – Vauhti Blue
Classic: Toko Red – Vauhti Blue

Classic Rentals: Salomon
Skate Rentals: One Way

White Pine

Springtime continues in the Wasatch Back. Another crazy cold overnight leading into a warm sunny afternoon. All trails groomed and open for your skiing adventures. Bear in mind the track will be very firm most of the day but skiing should just get better and better as the day goes on. Definitely an SPF 50+ day.

No, we do not know why Thaynes Canyon Drive has suddenly been designated a residential parking only area. There are theories. The off street parking is still open as are the Hotel lots. Just park safe and legally please. Help us stay open and healthy by wearing your mask while indoors at the Nordic Center. We are getting an increasing number of openly hostile people and all we are doing is trying to stay open and keep our families healthy.

Still looking for some ski service and indoor rental/sales help!


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Freshened up the East Canyon Highway for skate to the top this evening (Sat). Couldn’t improve existing classic track in current conditions. Expect a more thorough groom Monday afternoon.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

24 Hour Snowfall
Track Conditions
The lower track is groomed for skate and a classic lane is set. The upper track is groomed for skate. Classic lane is bumpy in spots but in good condition in most areas. Skate trails are firm and fast with colder overnight temperatures. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the skiing.


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

This is sounding like a “broken record” but we have cold and dry day after day. So this morning the trails were groomed to buff out the skate lane. I made two passes so there is a lovely light cover of snow on a firm base. The skating will be grand!

Solitude Nordic

posted in: Grooming Reports, Solitude Nordic | 0

Good morning! Everything groomed for skate and classic today. Cold snow in the morning and warm mid 20 degree snow for afternoon. Today should be busy so remember to have good trail etiquette. Enjoy your ski today!

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

CLOSED FOR GENERAL SKIING until about 1 P.M. Saturday. The Wasatch Citizens Series 10K Classic race is Saturday morning on the Mountain Dell trails. The course will be reset and opened to all around 1 P.M.


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Groomed Spruces and Jordan Pines today. Left classic track where it was as its still pretty good. Have fun!

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

24 Hour Snowfall
Track Conditions
The lower track is groomed for skate and a classic lane is set. The upper track is groomed for skate. Classic lane is bumpy in spots but in good condition in most areas. Skate trails are firm and fast with colder overnight temperatures. Have a great day! Enjoy the skiing.

Solitude Nordic

posted in: Grooming Reports, Solitude Nordic | 0

Good morning from Solitde Nordic! Everything groomed for skate and classic. Snow is cold 🥶 blue wax recommended in the morning with temps warming up in afternoon to no more than 30 degrees.

White Pine

A very solid 1 degree F at 7:30 am today. A chance to break out those polar waxes! All trails groomed and open, just make sure you bundle up if you’re skiing before mid-morning. Conditions will be squeaky until it warms up a bit. Skiing should be fantastic from mid-day with a firm track and cold snow. For now, have that second cup of coffee and enjoy the day!

Please help us stay open and healthy by wearing your mask when indoors at the Nordic Center.

We’re still looking for a service tech and some in store rental and sales help! Contact Richard at the Nordic Center for details.