
posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

East Canyon groomed for skate this afternoon. Track is a bit thin for a little ways. Improves as you ascend.
Should be worthy of a skate tomorrow before it gets too soft.
Whatever snow dance or chant your doing isn’t working. Better change it up a bit!!


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Skied Fairview Saturday afternoon. It has not faced the extreme thaw/freeze that hit every nordic track near Salt Lake/Park City on Wednesday night. Very pleasant skate conditions. Did not use it today, but there is also well-formed classic track. A bit of a drive (90 minutes from downtown SLC), but the best conditions I have skied in the second half of this week.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Upper 2.5k and Lower 4.5k will be groomed by 10:15am this morning. Warmer conditions this morning have softened up the track. The classic lane was reset and is thin in several areas. Have a great weekend!

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Main loop, Mitten, Lolipop and Kids cutoff groomed for skate. Coverage is still holding up with fast and firm conditions.
Please note: Wednesday’s extreme thaw/freeze has created conditions that will be very challenging to novice skiers. New skiers might consider choosing SR 65 (East Canyon/Big Mountain) on Saturday. SR 65 info can be found in the Area Trails page, under the Skiing tab.


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Barry M and Matt K groomed Spruces Friday night. Wednesday night’s extreme thaw/freeze is still evident, but it is getting better as it is worked more. All of the upper 3.3K (Milt’s Loop, Practice Loop, Pavilion Loop) received multiple passes to freshen up the skate. Mechanical issues prevented the resetting of classic track or any grooming on the lower/western 1.7K loop. Skiing on the lower/western loop is very, very firm and is not recommended.


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Classic track is well intact but a little degraded in places. Skate lane is excellent still. Groomed lower loop this afternoon for skating and will plan on grooming the remaining 5K for skating Sat 1/16 morning early.


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Groomed Friday afternoon. New classic set from the top to about mile marker 4 (one mile from the start). Skate was also groomed to the top. Likely icy in the AM tomorrow put should ski well at mid day.


Groomed this morning. Pretty hard and icy but we were able to resurface it a bit. Be careful going too fast down the hills. The classic track is set but a bit marginal and thin in two spots. Have fun out there, hopefully more snow soon!

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Upper 2.5K loop and Lower 4.5K loop groomed for skate. Classic lane was reset last night. Some thin spots on the hills and firm conditions throughout. Have a great weekend!

White Pine

Better today, warming temps should make a sweet spot mid-day. 3k pretty good all thing considered, 5k less icy still spots to ski with caution including where the hotel emptied the hot tubs next to the trail….. Ski aware and be safe. Please display your pass, practice distancing and mask up inside. Help us stay safe and open for you. a few new intermediate skis and poles arrived yesterday. act now if you’re seeking gear.

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Hanging in there by the skin of out teeth. Thursday evening we groomed the course for skate, classic was left alone. The Main, Mitten, Upper Lollipop Loop, and Kid’s Cutoff were all groomed. There are a few avoidable bare spots, particularly on the Mitten. The course smoothed up nicely with a thin layer of corduroy. Conditions may start off icy tomorrow.


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Fairview track last groomed Tue 1/12 am. Classic track remains skiable (set 1/8) and skate lanes are excellent. All terrain open. We are cold at night and seeing a lot of sun in the day so; best time to ski is mid to late morning. If conditions allow, and I can improve the track, I may try grooming again Friday 1/15.


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Bill is going to groom 65 starting at 1p today for skate, with the goal of going all the way to the top. Classic is a bit too thin and bulletproof to attempt a refresh. Skate might be reasonable all afternoon, given the combination of big sunshine, warmth and a fresh pass.


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Scuffed up enough snow to make a decent loop with Milt’s, practice loops and pavilion loops. The rest is icy and “challenging”. Be careful.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

2.5k Upper loop and 4.5k Lower loop groomed for skate. Classic lane was not reset due to firm snow conditions. Some thin spots on the hills but overall good coverage.

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Mark and Nils worked it for hours this morning to lessen the most drastic effects of the 32 degree swing in 13 hours (51 at 3 P.M. to 19 at 4 A.M.) Skate will be passable as the day warms up, classic will be slick. Much coverage lost yesterday. Rock skis recommended. Main, Mitten, Kids’ Cut-off and Lollipop top were all groomed this morning.