Tuesday DEVO PARENT Clinics


Price: $75
Age Group: 18+
Classic: January 7th – January 30th (Jan 7, 14, 21, 28)
Skate*: February 4th – February 27th (Feb 4, 11, 18, 25)
Schedule: Tuesdays: 4:45 – 5:30
Location: Mountain Dell
Contact: Jen Zurick: Jen.zurick@utahnordic.org

Be sure to log in! This program is for Devo parents only. Skiers are required to purchase a Mountain Dell pass. You may do that here.

*Please fill out a registration form for each participant.

*Please remember to sign our waiver – see the tab that says, “Sign Our Waiver” at the bottom of the screen. Please sign a waiver for every participant.
This product is for Devo parents only.
SKU: ACCW-1 Category:



This winter we will again offer 4 45-minute ski clinics for beginner through intermediate-level parents of Devo skiers who want to learn to ski with better technique. Wouldn’t it be nice to keep up with your kid?

There will be 2 separate 4-week clinics.

Classic: January 7th – January 30th
Skate*: February 4th – February 27th

We are limited to 8 participants on Tuesday at this time. If this fills and there is enough interest, we will try to find more coaches and open more spots. If you find this sold out. Please email jen.zurick@utahnordic.org to get on the waiting list.

This program is only available to the parents of Devo Skiers.

Cost:  $75 for 4 weekly 45-minute sessions (either classic or skate)


Contact: Jen Zurick: Jen.zurick@utahnordic.org