2°F at Nordic Center. Trace of new snow. All trails groomed for skate and classic.
White Pine
very cold overnight and this morning. definitely a good time for those super cold green and blue waxes. should be in the balmy mid-teens all day so bundle up for squeaky snow. all trails are roughed up and open. classic tracks will be rock hard all day as will the skate track. ski with caution and your warmest gloves. Please help us stay open and healthy for you. MASKS MUST BE WORN INSIDE THE NORDIC CENTER. We are seeing increasing aggression and threats towards our staff. It’s just skiing folks, meet us half way when you’re inside. Don’t be that person, because if you are that person, we will ask that you leave the store.
Mountain Dell
All open trails, Main, Mitten, Lower to Cullen’s Cutoff, Creek, Lollypop, Wiggle Room, Boomerang, Kids Cutoff and Park Road ByPass were groomed for skating last eve. The conditions for Thursday will be good to excellent for skating and fair to good for classic skiing. Bundle up and go hit it.
Mountain Dell
All currently open loops were groomed Wednesday night for skate. Classic tracks are in good / fair condition and were left as is. Skating will be fantastic today.
We got a touch of snow last night and early this morning. Track was groomed mid day; I have groomed everything for skating and it looks great. I took out the old classic track and re-set a classic track on the lower loop but not the top loop- Sorry! Even with a bit of new snow, it is still proving challenging to get a new classic track set. I am out of town in ID Friday- Tuesday so no new grooming then but it looks like stable weather so the conditions should remain good.
Jeremy Ranch
24 Hour Snowfall
Track Conditions
The lower track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane is set. The upper track is groomed for skate. Classic lane is bumpy in spots but in good condition in most areas. Skate trails are firm and fast with colder overnight temperatures. Enjoy the beautiful day!
Solitude Nordic
-1°F at the Nordic Center at 0815. Trace of snow overnight. Trails groomed for skate and classic.
Mountain Dell
All trails groomed tonight for skate.
Existing classic lanes are holding up well.
Tomorrow’s skiing should be good. Enjoy
Hi folks, Bill’s groom from yesterday still looking good. I did a quick groom today to refresh the skate lane and tried resetting the classic track on the Upper Loops. The classic track is “marginal” at best, in some parts it set okay and in others it didn’t set at all. We really could use new snow, but conditions are still nice. Cold this morning but warmed up as sun came out. Enjoy!
Solitude Nordic
No grooming today due to mechanical problems. We should be out this afternoon grooming from about 4:30-6:30, so please end your ski at 4:30 today.
Jeremy Ranch
24 Hour Snowfall
Track Conditions
The lower track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane is set. The upper track is groomed for skate. Classic lane is bumpy in spots but in good condition in most areas. Skate trails are firm and fast with colder overnight temperatures. Enjoy the beautiful day!
Mountain Dell
All loops groomed for skate Monday evening, except the Lower below Cullen’s which remains closed due to thin snowpack conditions. Even the World Cup was freshened up for the hardy souls who like a little spice in their lives. The classic track was left alone as it could not be improved upon under current conditions (big thanks to Tim and Jerry for their work setting really nice classic Sunday evening). Despite almost no new snowfall for the entire month of January, the track remains in remarkably good condition and skiing should be quite good today. Here’s hoping that Ullr treats us better in February. Air quality should be much better today at Mountain Dell than it was Sunday, so come up for a slide in the sunshine. Enjoy!
White Pine
Groundhog Day? Same trail report for the last 6 weeks. Very cold overnight, firm track all day, everything groomed and open, sunny afternoon. Another day of great skiing under the blue sky early. Definitely a day for your blue wax. Please help us stay open and healthy by wearing your mask indoors at the Nordic Center. It’s a small space with lots of happy people and we’d like to keep it that way. If you’re looking, we have shipment of Salomon skate boots in all sizes that just came in.
Everyone stay safe and we’ll see you outside on the trails!
Contact Richard if you’d love to join the team at White Pine!
East Canyon groomed tonight for skate and classic to Big Mountain.
Skate skiing is continuing to be quite pleasurable.
New classic track is good above restroom. Acceptable below restroom.
Jeremy Ranch
24 Hour Snowfall
Track Conditions
The lower track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane is set. The upper track is groomed for skate. Classic lane is bumpy in spots but in good condition in most areas. Skate trails are firm and fast with colder overnight temperatures. Have a great week! Enjoy the skiing.
17°F at 0815. Upper loops groomed last night for skating. No classic set on upper loops. Lower loops groomed for skating with previously set classic tracks.