Mountain Dell

The entire course is open! All trails groomed for skate Monday night. Classic track was not reset. Be cautious descending on the lower loop hills, there are still some thin spots. The challenging World Cup loop is now open for skate only. Skating should be excellent today. Enjoy!


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

East Canyon Highway groomed for skate and classic to the top (8.7k) Monday afternoon. We made good progress flattening out the uneven surfaces attributable to drifts, hikers, snowmobiles, and apparently a moose gathering. Not 100% perfect, but generally very good and we’ll make it even better soon. Classic didn’t reset well in current conditions, so some is new and some below Affleck Park was left alone.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

The lower track is groomed for skate and a classic lane is set. The upper track is groomed for skate. Classic lane is wavy in spots due to inconsistent weather pattern the past few days. Skate trails are in good shape with firmer conditions reported. Come over and enjoy the Sun!!

White Pine

Another beautiful sunny day! cold this morning, expected to warm above freezing by midday. All trails groomed and open today. icy conditions on the dog loop due to water flows. shold be great skiing all day, use caution at the farm early. MASKS ARE REQUIRED INDOORS AT THE NORDIC CENTER AND ALL OTHER INDOOR SPACES IN SUMMIT COUNTY. LEts be safe everyone

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Sunday night groom for Monday skiing. Groomed for skate and classic on Main, Mitten, Cullen’s cutoff, Lollipop, Creek, Kids cutoff, Boomerang and Wiggle room. Skating should be great and classic good. Have fun!

Thanks, Tom and Jerry

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

24 Hour Snowfall
Track Conditions
The lower track is groomed for skate and a new classic lane is set. The upper track is groomed for skate. Classic lane is wavy in spots due to inconsistent weather pattern the past few days. Skate trails are in good shape with firmer conditions reported. Have a great ski!

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Main loop, Mitten, Loli-Pop, Creek loop, Wiggle Room, Boomerang, and the Kids Cutoff were all groomed for skate and should ski nicely as the weather warms up. Classic lanes were not re-groomed. Creek loop still a bit soft. Watch for a big momma moose out there. Lower loop is open to Cullen’s cut-off. Please note the new entrance and exit route constructed to the lower loops. Bring your sunscreen!

White Pine

A beautiful winter ski day. All trail groomed and open. Very cold this morning, but looking to be a gorgeous afternoon with warming temperatures. definitely an SPF day and dont forget to hydrate. MASKS ARE REQUIRED INDOORS AT THE NORDIC CENTER. Let’s stay healthy everyone. Get into the outdoors and play today.


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

East Canyon groomed for skate and classic to Big Mountain.
Conditions are average for the first mile (poor snow conditions). Better skiing after that.
Enough of this 40 degree weather in January!!!!!!

Numerous moose sittings tonight. Including a mama and yearling in the middle of the trail at Affleck Campground.
Give these big guys plenty of room!!


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Spruces was groomed this afternoon for both skate and classic. Conditions continue to get better after the additional snow earlier this week. We tried out some new equipment today which laid down some nice corduroy. Come on up and enjoy the trails along with the great conditions.


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Fairview got an inch or so last night. The track was groomed this morning and skate lane looks great. There is a classic track set on the lower loop only but it is light. I will try to attach the track renovator device to get a little more deep into the base and set a better track the next day or two.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

24 Hour Snowfall
Track Conditions
The lower track is groomed for skate and a new classic lane is set. The upper track is being groomed for skate. Classic lane is wavy in spots due to inconsistent weather pattern the past few days. Enjoy the new snow. Have a great ski!