Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

We have groomed for skate and set the classic lane on the Upper and Lower Trails this morning. Coverage is still great! Conditions are a little soft. Enjoy the snow! Have a great week everyone!

Solitude Nordic

Beautiful conditions this morning at SNC. All trails groomed for classic and skating. The lake squiggles will be soft in the skate lane, and as usual, the Redmans will be the best skiing. Relax, take UTA to the Nordic Center. RODE multi-grade blue. Trust the Italians.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

We have groomed for skate and set the classic lane on the Upper and Lower Trails this morning. Coverage is great! Conditions are a little soft. Enjoy the snow! Have a great weekend!


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

All trails were groomed this morning for skate and classic. Plenty of coverage up here. This spot is perfect for a workout or just getting out of the valley for a leisurely ski. Enjoy it while the conditions are good.

White Pine

Gorgeous sunny cold morning! I think we are in the best conditions of the season so far. Blue wax morning, violet afternoon, fresh snow, everything groomed and set. The farm is so good right now. PLEASE purchase AND display your trail pass (or drop your money in the fee box at the Farm) Conditions should be absolutely incredible all day so get outside and play! Thank you for wearing your masks and distancing at trail heads and in the shop. Keeping each other safe is the only way we stay open. If you encounter dogs, walkers or fat bikers on the ski trails, please offer them options for that activity on the Basin Trails (across the highway from the farm for instance) or Round Valley.

If we can see your pass out on the trails, we won’t be stopping you. Pocket passes don’t count until we see them. Thank you and stay healthy!

If you missed the WCS race at the Farm yesterday, you missed a great event and a wonderful send off for Dave Hanscom as Race Director. If you see him out skiing, give him another huge THANK YOU for over 30 years as Race Director!


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

SR-65 was groomed Saturday night from the gate to the summit of Big Mountain for skate and classic. Still a bit western and soft from the first switchback to the summit, but Sunday should be a great day for some sliding. Pro tip: Early bird gets the worm before the Sunday billers get to it. The infamous Moab Obelisk, in ice form, has apparently found its way to SR-65. Look for it above Affleck Park. Enjoy!! – Todd & Dan O.

Deer Hollow Winter Recreation Area

On Thursday Feb. 18, all trails were groomed for skate and track skiing. Also, the snowshoe trails were groomed and they are also accessible to skiers. The area has some 4 to 5 feet of snow depth, now. The parking lot has been mysteriously plowed by an unknown “snow-fairy.” Deer Hollow is located on UT-14 east of Cedar City, at about mile 22.5.

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

We have groomed for skate and set the classic lane on the Upper and Lower Trails this morning. Coverage is great! Conditions are soft. Enjoy the snow! Have a great weekend!

Solitude Nordic

posted in: Grooming Reports, Solitude Nordic | 0

Good morning Nordic skiers! Trails are looking great today with Camp Loop now open. It should be good for skating today since it has been 2-3 days since a good snowfall. Come to the Nordic Center when everyone is going to the slopes today.


posted in: Grooming Reports, SR-65 | 0

Made it to Big Mountain pass for the first time since the storms after a rodeo of shoveling snow drifts and several stucks. Groomed from the gate to the top for skate. Existing classic to the first switchback looked good with lots of skiers on it. We used lots of teeth, so it might set up overnight, but anticipate soft conditions for skate particularly above the first switchback.


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Hi all! Sorry for the late report – the snow has finally been tamed at Spruces! About 2 fresh feet of snow this week. We sled packed, rolled and dragged the upper, lower, and practice loops today. There is corduroy, still a few bumps and soft spots likely but it will improve as we groom more. Snow on the trees is beautiful, come up for a lap!