Excellent skiing today for both skate and classic. Cold snow in the morning with temps rising in the afternoon. Enjoy good cold fresh snow before it gets icy. Temps will rise next week.
Spruces was groomed this morning, about 1-2″ of fresh snow. Still some thin spots out there, be careful! Beautiful conditions. No classic set today, still a bit thin on that side of the track. But plenty of snow on the loops. Have a great weekend!
Millcreek Canyon was groomed this morning, and classic track was set all the way. Conditions were great! Come up and have fun this weekend!
White Pine
a few inches of fresh snow overnight. Should be a great day for skiing! also a great day for wax and structure…. 3k, Armstrong and Farm should be very good with the white cover but still ski with caution as there are thin and icy spots around. The 5k is covered, but very thin with grass and pavement lurking below the surface in a few areas. you can still pick your way past the construction and get to really good skiing out on the fingers and hills. Closing day will be coming soon, so get here and ski.
Thank you for purchasing and displaying your trail pass! If you’ve been poaching the Farm all season or running or walking your dog on the ski trails, it might be a good karmic time to drop some wads of cash into the fee box at the gate. But that’s between you and your conscience. I’m not sure of the drive-up confessional at St. Mary’s is still there.
Stay safe, ski safe and have a beautiful day! We’ll see you out on the trails!
Solitude Nordic
Grooming turned out great with the low cold temps this morning. Temps should stay cold and conditions should be fantastic the rest of the day. The morning should be better if you want to avoid the afternoon snowfall. If you are wondering we should stay open through mid April with the conditions we have been getting, so come and enjoy Nordic skiing while we still have it.
White Pine
Still hanging on! Someone called to complain that the grooming report “never changes” Respectfully disagreeing,, it is common for skiing conditions to be stable for days at a time. Its really our of our control in regard to the weather. Having said that, we are hanging on. Lots of caution needed on the 5k, the farm and everywhere in between. Spring conditions rule the day with a hard track early and holding steady all day. Cloud cover should keep too much melting at bay until the snow arrives later this afternoon. refreshed surfaces and tracks were left in overnight. classic skiing should be good from mid morning on. Skating should be changing but good all day.
SKI WITH CAUTION! there are grassy and pavement areas coming through as well as the usual icy patches in Spring. Be careful and have fun.
Remember to purchase and display your pass! and remind walker, film crews, skijorers, runners and dog owners that the ski trail are for paying skiers. Please.
this next storm will help determine if we’ll be open after Sunday. Bring in your skis for storage wax now if you’re done. We may not be here next week.
White Pine
Hanging in there. Extreme Spring is back. 5k is groomed and may make it another day- some bare, icy and dirty patches…. 3k has some icy bits but groomed and ready to go. tracks were super hard this morning. that will change over the day. dog loop is good up high, icy/wet down low. Farm is holding well and skiing great. some places to pay close attention along the way but still pretty darn good for the end of March. Please no dogs, walkers or runners…. Display your pass and maybe drop a few bucks in the cash box if you didn’t buy a pass this winter.
Bring in those ski for storage wax! we are in the countdown for closing for the season. We’ll be open through this weekend, but no promises after that!
Stay safe and ski with care.
We groomed this afternoon, Upper and Lower loops. Just set classic on the upper loop today – snow lightly falling as we left so hopefully we get some tonight! If you lost a pair of sunglasses today, I found them. Send me an email describing the case at matthew.hales@usda.gov.
White Pine
Well, another day of pretty darn good skiing at WPT coming up. The 5k is thin with some areas requiring attentiveness and caution, we’ll see how long it holds. 3k still has a few of those icy spots so be careful out there. We’re re-grooming the Farm and Armstrong again today. Trying to smooth out the damage the skijorer did yesterday in the soft track…. it should be very good from late morning to early afternoon. Please purchase and display your pass or drop a few bucks into the fee box on the Farm. This doesn’t come for free and having to make multiple grooming passes to restore the track is a huge effort for the groomers. Thank you to those of you who attempted to remind the person (and the runner, and the walkers) that the ski trails are for paying skiers in the winter. WIth round valley reopened for a bit, there is no reason to not go there for your multi use pursuits…
Stay safe, mask up and go ski! It won’t last much longer!
Solitude Nordic
Solitude Nordic trails not groomed this morning, but the tracks will ski like yesterday- maybe better. LOTS of cold, fine grained snow is what we have. There are fewer people in the canyon during the week -come on up!
Wow, even more new snow! How lucky are we? A couple inches of fresh snow yesterday on top of Dan and Todd’s groom on Saturday. We groomed all the loops this morning and set classic. No longer any pavement on the lower loops, but it’s probably thin enough that you might be able to find the bottom. Really pretty this morning but very cold, don’t forget your warm clothes. I’ll be back again to groom after tonight’s fresh snow. Let’s keep these storms coming!
White Pine
a little update – 5k is groomed and track set, Farm and Armstrong Pasture will be fantastic today, 3k is icy in several places. use caution there. passes are still discounted to PM rates. Buy one! No poaching on the trails! Behave yourselves and help us stay open!
Solitude Nordic
A balmy 5°F this morning. Cold, squeaky snow. All trails groomed for skate and classic. Excellent conditions.
White Pine
Monday Monday – so good to us. Very cold this morning, warming up a bit midday then snow tonight. The 3k, Armstrong and the Farm are groomed. Please ski with caution, there are icy patches here and there from all the moisture of the weekend. Hard fast track for skating early, really good classic should crop up after 10:30 or so. Did we mention ski with awareness and caution? It is a beautiful day so take advantage. We may not be open after next weekend so get here and ski!
trail passes remain discounted to the PM rate all day and if you’re in the mood for a refresher lesson, we have a couple of slots still available this week.
Help us remind walkers and dog owners that the ski trails are for skiing and skiers who pay. There are great locations very nearby for those activities! Another customer relayed that they had been verbally abused on the farm by a man running his dog on the trail…. Whatever happened to peace, love and understanding? Thank you for your ongoing support and stay safe out there!
White Pine
6+ inches of dry cold snow on top of the heavy rain yesterday. 3k is groomed and track set. Farm will be done mid morning. We may roll the 5k. grooming conditions are very difficult with dry over very wet so be a little patient. The 5k would make a great ski tour today with all the fresh snow! Come and enjoy! Just make sure you wax! if your unwaxed ski gets wet and touches the dry powder you’re in for a walk. Trail passes are discounted today. It is absolutely beautiful so get out there! please purchase and display your pass and try to remind walkers that they need to go to round valley or elsewhere. If you’re done for the year, remember to drop off your skis for summer storage wax!
Stay safe and enjoy the day!
Solitude Nordic
The previous post is for Solitude. Spruces will be good also.