Mountain Dell

Main, Mitten, Creek, Lollipop, Boomerang, Park Road Bypass, and Kid’s Cutoff were all groomed for skate Saturday evening. Classic was set on Main, Mitten, Lollipop, Park Road Bypass, and Kid’s Cutoff . Skiing should be fantastic tomorrow morning so go on and get out there! Greg & Cullen.


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Sorry for the late report. I rolled Spruces this morning and groomed Jordan Pines. I added a couple new loops in the Jordan Pines area so let me know what you think. We also got the Creekside snowshoe trail packed down. FYI, we are having an issue with our new Ginzu sled, so we won’t be able to have the Ginzu groomer and classic setter running for a bit. Hoping to get it fixed as soon as I can. Otherwise, nice day and our coverage is looking pretty good. Have fun.

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

This from John and Paul, Friday night’s crew:

Main, Mitten, Creek, Lollipop, Boomerang, Park Road Bypass, and Kid’s Cutoff were all groomed for skate this evening. Classic was set earlier in the day and is still looking dreamy. There are still a few thin spots so keep an eye out. Skiing should be mighty fine tomorrow morning.

The skiing was outstanding Friday. Should be more of the same Saturday. Come out and play!

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Hi Folks – The snow gods laid down about 3.5 inches of creamy new snow early this morning. After sled packing, Main, Mitten, Lollipop and Kid’s Cutoff were set for skate and classic. Ski conditions are quite good but watch out for a few thin spots especially in classic tracks. Have fun out there!!

Jeremy Ranch

posted in: Grooming Reports, Jeremy Ranch | 0

Good Afternoon Jeremy Ranch Nordic Skiers,
We are loving this new snow that’s started to drop over the last week! Hopefully this weekend we will receive even more snow and will be close to opening.
We will reevaluate the tracks at the start of next week and send out a report to update everyone! If you are interested in buying any Nordic Equipment, we have just put out full Skate and Classic setups! Come by the Jeremy Ranch Nordic Center and get yourself ready for an amazing Nordic Season!
Hope to see everyone soon,
Jeremy Ranch Nordic Center

Soldier Hollow

posted in: Grooming Reports, Soldier Hollow | 0

Grooming was completed since the snow came down. Great conditions on 3.5k of thick coverage as of 8:40am. More will be pushed out in the next few days. Open to season pass holders only until at least December 10. Free ski day on December 16!

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

As of 8 A.M. Friday, morning storm is clearing and Gary and Cullen are heading out to groom. Expect soft conditions and machines on course through about 11 A.M.

White Pine

6-8 inches overnight at the Nordic Center. Windy this morning and still snowing lightly. grooming will be a little delayed this morning to allow everyone to get to work safely. 3k and 5k will be priority. Soft conditions all day but hopefully the leaves are all covered now. Maybe the Farm after the weekend. Please be patient. Grooming should be done well before 10.

Please offer your support for our Thaynes Canyon Parking proposal that will be before the PC Council next Thursday the 8th. Call, write or attend if you’d like to see the Off-street Carpool and para-ski parking returned 10-6 every day this winter.

White Pine

BREEZY! help play a game of pick up sticks with us today on the 5k! so many leaves from the wind. 3 k will be best today for certain. Storm is coming and also the PC council is deciding on the parking on the 8th. let your opinion be known. the proposal should be available on the council website. Thank you

Mountain Dell

Wednesday Night Groom:
Main, Mitten, Kids Loop, Park Road Bypass and Lollipop groomed for Skate Wednesday night. No classic track set due to low snow conditions. Please exercise caution with warm temperatures today, early season conditions exist. ROCK SKIS are RECOMMENDED. In many places the asphalt/road and cart path is just under the surface. Hoping for more snow coming this Friday.