Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

Nope. A half inch of rain Friday has made for a wet mess that was ungroomable Saturday morning. Will continue to watch and open something as soon as it is possible.

White Pine

The holiday miracle continues! 10+km open for skiing. The trails and trees are sheathed in snow. We’ve received about 8″ of snow in the last 72 hours. The wind last night was pretty invigorating but moved some snow around under the trees. The 5km and 3km loops are being groomed and track set this morning, Armstrong trail after that. Armstrong was packed and groomed yesterday but ski with extreme care on the hills and downhill curves. WIth the expected snow coming and going during the day, classic skiing will be very good, skate will be a bit harder on the soft fresh surface.

Wax will be important today to keep from sticking. It will be cold when snowing then warming up and transforming to sticky between the snow showers. Red wax for grip and glide and at a minimum, a good universal liquid on your classic skis, especially on your fishhscale skis (tip to tail). We will be open from 9am to 5pm today. With the extra terrain, we have dropped the directional skiing, but please be kind, ski to the right and pass with care. The track surface should be quite soft and creamy today, like a great cappuccino.

Best skiing will be with your family and friends all day today. Be aware of thin spots and cart paths under the surface. You must have a trail pass purchased and displayed to access our trails. Everyone please ski with style and share the trail with Joy! Smile, greet the hardworking staff and your fellow skiers and keep an eye out for snow bunnies. Thank you for being part of our amazing community! Ski safe and enjoy the day!

“Snow floated down every once in a while, but it was frail snow, like a memory fading into the distance.” – Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Our first Toko wax clinic of the season is Friday January 3rd at 3:30pm at the Nordic Center. Learn basic glide wax and skin ski care from our experts. $10 fee and discounts on wax products after the clinic. Also a drawing for a pair of Rossignol ski poles!

We have a couple of spaces left in our Monday morning Women’s Skate Clinic series starting in January. You can book online or give us a call at the Nordic Center to register.


posted in: Grooming Reports, Spruces | 0

Finally some snow. Last nights storm left a decent amount of snow for the morning. Sled packed and rolled all of the Upper Spruces Loop and the Lower Spruces Loop, and even got over to sled pack Jordan Pines. The classic track is gone and we will have to wait till after the storm cycle to reset it, but hopefully this will be enough snow to truly get everything up and running at Spruces. Make sure to check the road conditions before coming up and be safe out there. Sushi Scale: Sushi Burrito

White Pine

Famine to feast! On the Latte scale it’s a flat white with extra foam.
We had nearly 6″ of fresh snow yesterday afternoon and evening. Snowing again this morning. We will be open from 9am to 5pm today. CLOCKWISE SKIING TODAY ON THE 3km “Community Loop”. THIS MEANS GOING TO THE LEFT AS YOU ENTER THE TRAIL. We have changed to directional travel to reduce potential conflicts on the narrow sections of trail. Surfaces will be soft this morning with excellent classic skiing all day. An increasing covering of snow on the trails this morning and the weather service says heavy snow midday. The track surface should be quite soft and creamy today and will be a bit more wintery as the day progresses. Start the day with your blue wax for kick and skate glide. Fresh groom this morning, Best skiing will be with your family and friends all day today. The 5 km “Pond Loop” is rolled and will have track set today. A work in progress since it was grass and pavement in many areas before yesterday morning. Be aware of thin spots and cart paths under the surface. You must have a trail pass purchased and displayed to access our trails. Everyone please ski clockwise and share the trail with Joy and good spirits as you prepare for your fitness resolutions. Smile, greet the hardworking staff and your fellow skiers and keep an eye out for snow bunnies. Thank you for being part of our amazing community! Ski safe and enjoy the day!

We have a couple of spaces left in our Monday morning Women’s Skate Clinic series starting in January. You can book online or give us a call at the Nordic Center to register!

“Snow floated down every once in a while, but it was frail snow, like a memory fading into the distance.” – Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Our first Toko wax clinic of the season is Friday January 3rd at 3:30pm at the Nordic Center. Learn basic glide wax and skin ski care from our experts. $10 fee and discounts on wax products after the clinic. Also a drawing for a pair of Rossignol ski poles!

Solitude Nordic

Good morning. At 0800 it is 22°F and snowing. 5″ new snow overnight. All Lake Flat Trails groomed for classic and skate skiing. Snow is expected throughout the day, so earlier skiing will be better than later.


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Received 1-2″ of snow this morning. A good start but probably not enough to make it safe to groom given lingering bare spots. So the plan is to hope Friday brings a few more inches and grooming safely can resume with no risk of tearing up grass or bare ground. Fingers crossed….

Jeremy Ranch

Good Morning,

We hope everyone had a great Christmas! We received about 2 inches over Christmas. We need about 5-6 inches before we can start to groom the track and hope to receive that through tomorrow and Saturday.

We have fully transformed our Golf Shop and have all of our 2024/2025 Nordic apparel, skis, boots, poles and waxes out on the floor. Stop by to grab all of your Nordic gear for the upcoming season. Season passes, along with our 10-ski punch cards are now available for purchase. Come on in to the Nordic/Golf Shop and have a look around!!

Our Jeremy Ranch Nordic Night is just around the corner. Wednesday, January 8th we will be hosting an evening loaded with Nordic activities. Starting at 5:00pm we will have a TOKO wax clinic with Jason Travis, followed by an Atomic Product Showcase and Fittings with Sandy Brown. The evening will conclude with a Q and A with Olympian Taylor Fletcher. This will be a great way to kick off the Nordic season and get you ready for a fantastic ski year. It is complimentary to attend!! We look forward to seeing you on January 8th!!

Happy Boxing Day,
Jeremy Ranch Nordic Center

White Pine

Happy Boxing Day from all of us at White Pine Touring Nordic Center. We will be open from 9am to 5pm today.

CLOCKWISE SKIING TODAY ON THE 3km “Community Loop”. THIS MEANS GOING TO THE LEFT AS YOU ENTER THE TRAIL. We have changed to directional travel to reduce potential conflicts on the narrow sections of trail. Please ski with Joy, kindness and make room for everyone. A light cover of snow on the trails this morning and until mid-morning today. The track surface should be quite nice today but remember it is a firm and icy track under the fresh snow. Skiing will be a bit softer on the trail as the day progresses. Expect a slower wintery surface to start the day with your blue wax glide. Fresh light groom this morning, but as much as we can, we’ll let the fresh sit on top in order to build snow depth. Best skiing will be with your family and friends all day today.

The 5 km “Pond Loop” remains closed, but we’ll be working to get it open soon if the forecast holds. Be very aware of thin spots and cart paths and big surface gaps. The 5km side is only for the intrepid and rock skis. You risk injury going out on the closed trail. You must have a trail pass purchased and displayed to access our trails. Everyone please ski clockwise and share the trail with Joy and good spirits as you burn off that extra cookie. Smile, greet the hardworking staff and your fellow skiers and keep an eye out for snow bunnies. Thank you for being part of our amazing community! Ski safe and enjoy the day!

We have a couple of spaces left in our Monday women’s skate clinic starting next week. You can book online or give us a call at the Nordic Center.

“Snow floated down every once in a while, but it was frail snow, like a memory fading into the distance.” – Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Solitude Nordic

posted in: Grooming Reports, Solitude Nordic | 0

Lake Flat loops groomed for skate and classic. Only the lake loops are open due to limited snow. We’re expecting heavy snow over the next few days, and it’s already snowing steadily. Early today will be your best bet.


posted in: Fairview, Grooming Reports | 0

Merry Christmas, and it has been a white one with morning snow. The track has suffered a bit the last few days with warmer temps and dry weather. Today, Thursday and Friday should help resurrect the track but there were enough bare stretches we’ll need a good amount to try to groom again. Sounds like Mountain Dell. I’ll update as snow arrives the next couple days.

Mountain Dell

posted in: Grooming Reports, Mountain Dell | 0

We are closely watching the storm cycle and will groom as soon as it is possible. A word of caution for those very eager to get at it. On the Christmas Eve course recon, every bit of pavement was completely bare and the majority of the track route was bare grass. It will take at least five inches from this storm cycle for us to produce a track that is safe.