Groomed Spruces and Jordan Pines this morning and set new classic track. New snow made for really nice conditions!
Jeremy Ranch
24 Hour Snowfall
Track Conditions
The lower track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane has been reset. The upper track is groomed for skate and in good shape. Classic lane is good in most areas. The bridges are holding with snow coverage but narrowing in certain spots. Hopefully the flurries continue throughout the day for some even better coverage! Have a great day!!
White Pine
Another dusting of snow overnight. Beautiful crisp morning. All trails resurfaced in order, 5k, 3k, Armstrong and Farm. Shallow track set where possible. It’s still really firm underneath with patches of ice below. Ski with awareness and be safe. The trailhead for the 3k has a large clear ice patch by the tee marker. Please use extreme caution when heading over there to ski. Be safe!
Solitude Nordic
10°F with light flurries at the Nordic Center at 0800. A few inches of very cold snow fell yesterday. Trails are groomed for classic and skate skiing. Excellent conditions with this new snow!
Mountain Dell
UPDATE: An unexpected 2+ inches of snow has fallen overnight, after the crew groomed. Good news: more snow! Challenge: skating might be a slog. Classic should be a hoot, though. After a little snow today, we groomed what we have open for skate only. The classic tracks are in poor condition. The skate lanes are fair to good. Open trails are main, mitten, kids cutoff, and lollipop top. Not having much snow and some warm temperatures has created a few spots that are very icy. On your first trip around the track, assume it’s very icy and ski with care. Despite the icy spots, most of the track is good. Be safe out there and have some fun.
Dan and Brock
Jeremy Ranch
24 Hour Snowfall
Track Conditions
The lower track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane has been reset. The upper track is groomed for skate and in good shape. Classic lane is good in most areas. The bridges are holding with snow coverage but narrowing in certain spots. Hopefully this overnight snow continues throughout the day for some even better coverage! Have a great Presidents’ Day!!
Solitude Nordic
All trails groomed for skate and classic. About 2″ of new snow so far this morning, expecting another 6″ throughout the day. 19° at 8:00am, high of 32°.
White Pine
Dust on crust. So far the “storm” has just dusted the firm and icy crust that yesterday’s heat created. We’re hoping that more snow will continue all day. We’ll be smoothing the tracks, but not enough new snow to reset classic yet. Cross your fingers. Skating should be a little sticky but good early with a very firm base. Snow is expected all day so we’ll update later if needed. Please ski safe and watch for ruts and icy patches beneath the dusting. Please remember to wear your mask while indoors at the Nordic Center. Help us help you stay healthy. If you don’t have a pass, please drop your trail fees in the lock-box on the Farm Trail. It is a fee area in the Winter. Grooming doesn’t happen by magic.
Mountain Dell
Monday morning update: It is snowing as of 7 A.M. and should continue to do so most of the day, with the bulk of the snow falling between 11 A.M. and 5 P.M. Perhaps two inches by sunset. We will let the snow settle today, so expect tough conditions for skate. Classic should be fun.
Jeremy Ranch
The lower track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane is set. The upper track is groomed for skate and in good shape. Classic lane is decent in most areas. The bridges are holding with snow coverage but narrowing on certain bridges. Have a great weekend and enjoy the skiing!
Wax Recommendations
Skate: Toko Yellow- Vauhti Peach
Classic: Toko Yellow – Vauhti Peach
Classic Rentals: Salomon
Skate Rentals: One Way
Solitude Nordic
All trails groomed for skate and classic today. 22° at 8:00, high of 39°. Expecting snow tomorrow!
White Pine
Another Spring Holiday. All trails smoothed and open. Very exciting skiing early with a hard track. If you are a beginner or a bit less interested in hard track conditions, best skiing will be between about 10:30 and 2. After that you’ll be making ruts in the soft stuff. Watch for mixed icy/packed powder/cold/slushy conditions through the day and adjacent to each other. SPF50+ with red wax and structure. Please be patient on this busy weekend and wear your mask while indoors to help keep everyone safe and healthy.
Please purchase and display your pass. If we ask to see it please don’t be rude. Poaching trails is poor form and incredibly selfish. (it’s also theft)
Stay safe and ski safe!
Mountain Dell
Arrive: 6:30 PM 39 degrees
Depart: 8:00 PM 32 degrees
Groomed for skate on Main, Mitten, Lower to Swanson’s, Lollitop, Wiggle Room, Kidd’s Cutoff.
No new classic tracks were set but there are tracks in varied conditions throughout.
There is water and ice throughout so ski with your eyes wide open. Swanson’s has some grass exposed so ski with caution.
Conditions will be best before noon Sunday.
White Pine
Pretty much the same as the last several weeks. Pray for snow
Jeremy Ranch
24 Hour Snowfall
Track Conditions
The lower track has been groomed for skate and a classic lane is set. The upper track is groomed for skate and in good shape. Classic lane is decent in most areas. The bridges are holding with snow coverage but narrowing on certain bridges. Have a great weekend and enjoy the skiing!
Mountain Dell
All open trails groomed Friday night. New classic and skate on Main, Mitten and Kids. Lolli-top groomed for skate. Skate is best before noon, classic is best after noon, especially if you are skiing on fishscales…enjoy!