Another beautiful day of spring skiing…. It has been a busy holiday week already. Come in (with your mask on please) and say hi on your way out to the trails. The White Pine Staff have been working incredibly long hours to make sure you have the best skiing possible. Be sure to thank them when you’re here. Everything is groomed and open. Hard track conditions early, spring skiing this afternoon. TOKO wax clinic at 4:30 pm TODAY! drop in and learn the latest about taking care of your skis. Please be kind and courteous out on the trails. There are dozens of new people out learning to ski and you were once one of them. Turn off your music, silence your phone and just escape for a while. Happy Solstice!
Groomed for skate to Big Mountain Pass. Classic set to the first switchback. It’s thin yet firm down low. Watch for asphalt, especially at the road cut and little hill at about mile 1. Generally good coverage above the restroom, but look for thin spots ascending the remaining switchbacks. Very few folks on it after we finished, so with a good freeze tonight, it should be good skiing in the morning. Ski it early and before it gets rutted by non-Nordic users.
Mountain Dell
Monday morning groom. All current loops (Main, Mitten, Lower to Swanson’s Cutoff, Out and Back, Boomerang, and Lollipop Top groomed for skate. Classic is in place on all loops with some minor glazing. Should ski well today.
Solitude Nordic
Beautiful grooming this morning! Classic and skate on all trails. Almost all of our trails are open, and we can now safely ski all the way from top to bottom. Some early season conditions (exposed branches and soft snow) exist, but overall, best conditions of the season!
The upper loops at Spruces groomed this morning. There are no classic tracks set, but the skating is good. 12° at 0830.
White Pine
Another beautiful sunny day coming up. We strongly encourage you to go skiing today. All trails are groomed, and open. A little warmer today so wax accordingly with red by afternoon. TOKO wax clinic is tomorrow at 4:30 pm. Afterwards, TOKO wax and waxing products will be discounted for attendees.
Our holiday hours will be 9-4 on Christmas Eve, noon to 4 on Christmas Day (limited walk in lessons available). 9-4 on New Year’s Eve. Regular 9-5 hours every other day.
Ski safe, mask up in the shop and please purchase AND display your trail pass.
Solitude Nordic
Classic tracks are set on the upper lake trails and the Redman loops. The connecting trails (Cabin Fever and New Sensation) are open to advanced skiers only because of steep and choppy conditions. Hopefully the snowcat will be back in operation soon. Wait for the weekend traffic to calm down and come up this afternoon!
White Pine
Cold and crisp near zero this morning. All trails touched up after snowcat grooming yesterday. Should be an absolutely beautiful day outside. Temperatures warming through the day, but the track should stay quite cold. TOKO Wax clinic coming up on Tuesday December 21st at 4:30 pm. TOKO waxes will be 10% off if you attend
Mountain Dell
After recent storms, the track now has firmed up and skiing nice. All loops but lower loop and Creek were groomed. The classic lanes held up well from previous day and were not refreshed. Sunnny and clear. Enjoy the holidays and ski often.
Hi folks! Sorry for the late post. We groomed all the trails in Spruces this morning. We also put up trail name signs at junctions and a map at the Junction of Milts Loop and the Practice Loop. There is also a digital version on the Spruces page of TUNAs website. No classic track yet, as some spots are still thin. Careful on the Connector and lower loops. Have fun!
East Canyon was groomed for skate and classic to the first switchback.
It was the first groom of the season and kind of an equipment shakedown. All good with equipment.
Being a sunny Saturday – foot, bike, and hunter traffic was heavy.
Groom was soft and bikes were rutting things up quite well. If your fatty is leaving a rut please don’t ruin it for all users.
If the snow holds up should be back on for frequent grooming. Looking forward to seeing in the canyon.
White Pine
Gorgeous Day! Entire network groomed with the cat today. warming conditions through the afternoon. Please purchase AND display your Trail Pass. Your fees help keep fuel in the snowcat. Call us to book a lesson or gift a lesson to a friend. A ten punch pass is a prefect stocking stuffer. 3k, 5k, Pasture, Dog loop, Farm. Everything open. Hard to believe we’ve only had any snow on the ground for less than two weeks. Help us remind walkers, runners, fat bikers and dog owners that there are wonderful places for those activities that are not on the White Pine Touring Nordic Ski Trails. Drop in to the shop and thank the staff for the incredible work they do every day so that you can go outside and play in the snow.
Solitude Nordic
Currently 8 F at the Nordic Center…Brrrr! Clear skies the rest of the day with a high of 24 F. No new snow overnight. Lake Flat, Silver Lake, Evergreen, and Cabin Fever groomed yesterday by the Snowcat for both skate and classic. Unfortunately, our Snowcat is experiencing some mechanical issues, but we hope to get it up and running again soon. All other Nordic trails groomed for classic this morning by snowmobile. Come enjoy the sun with us!
Mountain Dell
Yesterdays winds delivered a couple inches of new snow as well as some farmed from adjacent areas that has resulted in improved coverage throughout.. Skate and classic was reset on the Main Loop, Short Mitten, Lower loop to Swanson’s cut off, Kids cutoff, Boomerang, Wiggle Room as well as the Loli-pop candy. Skiing should be great through the weekend and into the holiday.
Lovely make-your-own-tracks classic skiing today, then the whole track was rolled to start forming our base. It came out well. We have received about 7″ over the last two storms. The rolled base , with cold nights, should make for great skating this weekend.
Understandably, many are wondering the status of Big Mountain/SR-65, and we have too. Delay 1: The cargo unit was finally delivered and we hope to get equipment in place in the next day or so, providing water shed can arrange a time to open the gate. Delay 2: Our venue got skunked down low in the last couple of big storms. We will try to groom when equipment is moved soon, so stay tuned.